The state and its agents attack the FLTI
and Democracia Obrera (Workers Democracy)
A propos of an infamous snitching
For some days now, our current Democracia Obrera (Workers Democracy) and the Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International / FLTI, has been suffering a brutal attack and provocation by Mr. Terracota.
This man, to tell the truth, is just a character on a Facebook site, who is dedicated to tell legends about his past to be heard.
Terracota claimed to be a sympathizer of our current. He was never an organic militant of our organization. He wrote some ideas that were in line with ours about the Syrian question and the Argentinean political life. As it is our method and tradition, we published some of his political positions in the section "Opinion Columns" of our web page, in spite of not agreeing with them many times, as we did with other socialist thinkers.
In recent weeks Terracota began to state that he defended the right of every political leadership of a leftist party to make all kinds of moral accusations against militants and workers' organizations. Of course, this opened a discussion that can be seen by the reader on our website, where we uploaded two political responses to Terracotta for his openly Stalinist positions in this regard. He thus sought to prepare deliberately and justify beforehand this wave of slander, amalgams and lies he has now launched against our organization.
The political debate also developed around the point of Terracota having started an offensive defending Histadrut, an employers' union that is not a class union but a fascist appendage of the Zionist enclave that occupies the Palestinian nation. Surprisingly, he raised this pro-Zionist position after being our sympathizer for years and knowing our positions perfectly well, namely, that in occupied Palestine any worker of any religion, if he has any minimum class consciousness, can only be organized and fight in the Palestinian trade unions.
In addition, we have been arguing hard against Terracotta for the way in which he was talking against the leaders of the left, making personal, not political, attacks about situations that no one can prove. No doubt that this way of addressing differences demoralizes the worker vanguard a educated it in this abhorrent method.
We were also astonished in the last period by his support to the San Isidro group in Cuba. We told him that to fight against the capitalist restoration of the new Castroite bourgeoisie, we Marxists rely on the workers' organizations and not on the organizations created and supported by imperialism, no matter how "progressive" a wing may appear within them.
Very awkwardly, Terracotta launched a brutal attack on our organization, our militants and our leaders from his Facebook page. By reading his posts you can see that this campaign is worthy of a provocateur. And we say so, because the evidence is already in sight and recognized by Terracota himself. This man accuses Democracia Obrera (Workers Democracy) of being a "terrorist" ring, just as any military dictatorship or counterrevolutionary regime does to justify a brutal repression against the masses. He accuses us then of launching a "terrorist threat", of "threatening and attacking his family", of being a "mafia-like organization of human and drug traffickers". Terracota slanders our prominent fighters at the international level of "being from ISIS". He denounces that we "sold out our militants", that we "drink their blood" and that we "betray them" and "send them to death", a matter that no militant who claims to be a socialist could admit.
Terracota affirms that he has our organizational data and that he has given it to his lawyer so that he could present it to the justice system, that is to say, to the prosecutors who are in charge of the intelligence services and who have more than 5,000 workers in Argentina under trial. What is more, he affirms with total brazenness that all his actions against Democracia Obrera (Workers Democracy) are advised by a very important judge of the Federal Justice of the Buenos Aires Province, who is a relative of his family. With a vicious carelessness, Terracota threatens with the bourgeois state a workers' persecuted current, even knowing it has militants and sympathizers condemned by the bosses' justice system and leaders with criminal cases opened for their militant activities in international solidarity with the revolutionary processes.
If any more proof were missing, beyond a whole tangled web of lies, slanders and amalgams, typical of Stalinism, this man claims that he was infiltrated in our ranks and from there he got the data he supposedly has to denounce us before justice. He boasts of having been investigating our current for years and of having it been very easy to get data from us to "prepare his revenge", as he states in his posts. This is a true and open confession. Mr. Terracota has nothing serious to show before the bourgeois justice and the state, since he was never our militant. He can only show the provocation and the infamy he has invented: that we are "terrorists" or "ISIS members" to justify an attack on our current by the state. He is a tracer bullet.
All the data about us that Terracota may have are police data extracted with inquiries from outside our organization, which we never allowed him to enter.
Terracota congratulates himself for spying on revolutionary currents that even internationally fight under clandestine conditions and against fierce dictatorships. Spying on such currents under these conditions is typical of a Shabiha or a collaborator with the state. Don't worry, Mr. Terracota, the organizations of the revolutionary movement have been protecting themselves and their militants from all provocateurs for a long time. Very possibly he has asked al-Assad or the Pentagon, which accuses the rebel masses of "being from ISIS", for data or reports of our struggle in Syria.
We want to denounce and put on record this provocation by this infiltrated agent of the bourgeois state, which we hold responsible for the security and physical integrity of our militants.
We condemn the vulgar, sexist and misogynist language (typical of the Peronist trade union bureaucracy and its barbarian thugs) with which Terracota has addressed our women workers comrades. No socialist with a minimum of revolutionary consciousness can or will admit its use.
It is not our method to attack with moral accusations of this type any current adverse to our political positions. We do it in self-defense and because the proofs of what we say here are there for all to see. Terracota himself wrote them and recognizes himself as a spy, advised by federal judges and, of course, by the services they have under their command. In case this evidence is erased by him, we have copies of all of his posts.
Also, we want to tell and warn all the currents that claim to be working class and socialist at the national and international level, beyond all the differences they may have with us, that we are facing a provocateur who admits having being infiltrated in the revolutionary organizations and who works for the bourgeois state. His method is that of Goebbels or his counterpart Stalin: "lie, lie, something will remain".
Of course, with this man we have nothing to discuss. No one will be able to see him in any struggle, demonstration, or building absolutely nothing in the mass movement for years. He said it himself: since 2013 Terracota has been dedicated to trying to infiltrate our organization. That year is the same of the raid and persecution of one of our leaders accused of "illicit association" for his support to the revolutionary struggles of the international working class.This case was forged by the same judges who today are advising Terracota.
We are facing a true informant who has nothing to do with our current.
The working class and its organizations will know how to get rid of this type of careerists and provocateurs.
This attack will in no way prevent our web site and the section "Opinion Columns" of the "International Workers Organizer", spokesman of our current, from continuing to be open to all workers' and socialist fighters who want to express their positions that really serve the struggle of the working class.
Undoubtedly, Mr. Terracota could no longer bear even being a "sympathizing" spy of our organization, due to the revolutionary nature of our program and the revolutionary regime with which our organization is built.
We and the workers organizations from which we fight will not allow the friends of the proletariat to be shown as its enemies, and its enemies shown as allies, as all the traitors and agents of the bosses and their states seek to do in the ranks of the workers' movement.
Every labor organization that fights against the system knows how to get rid of these elements, as well as to merge with the most advanced, insightful and hardened elements within the working class.
Omán Biyik, Paula Medrano, Luchi Mosconi, Villarruel
National Committee of LOI-CI / Democracia Obrera (Workers Democracy)
Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International / FLTI
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