13 comrades have been killed by Covid…
General Strike in General Motors in defense of our lives, now!
Killer bosses! The State is responsible for it!
Estas últimas semanas en la planta de General Motors instalada en Silao, México, que tiene miles de empleados solo en ese país y ganancias de 4 mil millones de dólares al año, fallecieron tres compañeros: Fidel Guadalupe Almansa Barron, Miguel Francia; Juan Antonio Diosdado. Con estas nuevas muertes ya son 13 los trabajadores que pierden su vida. La empresa no les dio la atención médica necesaria y los obliga a trabajar. Si se infecta alguno, al grupo de trabajo solo les hace un cuestionario, no realiza tests. Además se desliga de esto diciendo que los trabajadores se contagian fuera de la planta mientras dentro de la fábrica, con ritmos de producción infernales, salarios de miseria y jornadas de 12 horas, no se respetan los protocolos. Tanto es así que los trabajadores viajan hacinados en transportes sin sanitizar. Y cuando fallece un trabajador solo les da $700 mexicanos para el velorio.
In recent weeks at the General Motors plant installed in Silao, Mexico, with thousands of employees only in that country and rending profits of 4 billion dollars a year, three workmates have died: Fidel Guadalupe Almansa Barron, Miguel Francia and Juan Antonio Diosdado . With these new deaths, there are already 13 workers who lose their lives. The company did not provide them with the necessary medical attention and forced them to work. If someone is infected, the workers' team only fullfills a questionnaire, just as they do not carry out tests. In addition, they disengage from this, saying that the workers have got infected outside the plant while inside the factory, with infernal production rates, misery wages and 12-hour working days, protocols are not respected. So much so that workers travel crammed into unclean trucks. And when a worker dies they only give them $ 700 Mexicans (usd 35,60) for the funeral.
Out with the complicit “charro” (traitor) bureaucracy! Down with the TMEC (New NAFTA)!
Since the TMEC (the new trade agreement between Mexico, Canada and the United States that replaces NAFTA. NT) came into effect, all the automotive companies and maquilas in Northern Mexico (with the approval of the government of Manuel López Obrador, the Mexican Secretary of Labor and the charro bureaucracy of CTM, Mexican WORKERS' Central Union) have started to produce amidst the pandemic, despite it not being an essential task; moreover they do not comply with any health protocol. This situation is aggravated because today Mexico is in a "red light", that is, in full peak of contagions.
The dismissed comrades from Generando Movimiento have been denouncing this situation since the pandemic began. One of its members with more than 25 years in the factory, Sergio Contreras, caught COVID and was later fired; while the delegates responding to the CTM did not lift a finger. Reinstatement of all those laid off!
These are the conditions in which the bosses make their slaves produce, not only in this factory but in all of Mexico and in all the automotive companies in the world, generating super-profits. With new mergers and relocations, production rates increase, they lay off and close plants, throwing thousands of workers off onto the streets, as it is happening in the Ford plant in Brazil. General Motors in just one quarter of last year made $ 4 billion. Murderers and slavers!
These transnationals deserve as a response the same fight that the workers of northern Italy waged, who with a wave of strikes paralyzed production in defense of their lives. That is the way! Let's defend our life with the general strike and the methods of struggle of the working class!
In May 2020, comrades dismissed from GM in Mexico called to unify (http://www.flti-ci.org/.../mayo/llamamiento-gm-mayo2020.html), the workers of all the automotive companies in Mexico, the United States and the world in a single fight for their reincorporation and against the reopening of the auto plants in the midst of the Pandemic. In the US, in several Detroit auto plants, where workers resisted the bosses that forced them to work in the midst of the Pandemic, Grassroots Committees were formed there. From these Committees, a common struggle of American, Canadian and Mexican, Brazilian and worldwide workers against layoffs can be promoted, to stop deaths and contagions from Covid.