July 26th 2019
To the 57th Annual Anti-War Assembly
To the Zengakuren [Japanese Federation of Self-Organized Student Associations]
To the Anti War Youth Committee
To the Revolutionary Communist League of Japan - Revolutionary Marxist Fraction (JRCL-RMF)
We send a warm revolutionary greeting to the 57th Anti-War Assembly that is taking place in Japan, as a contribution to the struggle for the workers and socialist revolution against imperialism and its brutal offensive against the working and exploited masses of the world.
We are writing to you at a time when, due to the betrayal of their leaderships, which prevented them from bringing their fighting to victory, the masses are paying with suffering, hunger, misery and massacres for the cost of the capitalist world economy crash; and while the American, German, Japanese, French, etc., imperialist gangs, dispute the world's markets in a fierce trade war to make “Great China” kneel and submit it to them through treaties of semi colonization. US imperialism are going all the way for China’s market, banks and profitable state enterprises.
For the crash of the world economy there are too many imperialist powers and there is no place for all to survive or for any new one to emerge, without clashes and military wars.
Today, the United States with Trump at its head, is overwhelmingly running over the planet, like the lava of an erupting volcano, seeking to impose its conditions in order to regain full control of the world market. That is why it tries to create custom barriers that hinder the exports of imperialist Europe of Maastricht and China, in particular. Also for these higher adventures, the US imperialists are stomping again on and go all the way for their Latin American “backyard”.
Those at the top, that 1% of parasites that manage the world at will, are fighting over business and super profits, while those below are forced to survive in the hell of a planet that has become a dirty prison for 99% of its inhabitants, that is, for the vast majority of the working class and popular masses.
Because the true WAR is that of the dominant powers, their banks, their transnationals, their governments and regimes against the proletariat and the exploited, to which they are imposing tremendous slavery and labor flexibility and the looting and robbing of their colonial and semicolonial nations; with carnages as in Syria, Yemen and Ukraine, with the direct collaboration of the reformist leaderships, supporters of rotten capitalism, without which all this would not have been possible.
In the aftermath of 1989, world imperialism sheltered Stalinism that recycled as a new bourgeoisie after handing over the former workers states to the former, which shaped the Stalinist national parties as counterrevolutionary shock forces around the world at the head of the trade union centers, this time under their direct control. This was made possible by the coverage and the support on the left that the so-called “anti-capitalist” currents, former Trotskyists gave them, having long since renounced to the struggle for the socialist revolution.
As we have just said, in Latin America the situation is getting ever worse for the masses as a result of the US imperialist offensive. With a wall on the Rio Grande that divides the border between Mexico and the United States, the US troops on one side and thousands of members of the Mexican "National Guard" on the other are unleashing a bloody repression and persecution, intended to "immobilize" millions of hungry people that are fleeing from the worst miseries and social catastrophes in Central America by marching towards the USA. The ultimate expression of this is what is happening in Haiti, the poorest country in the world that is militarily occupied. This is just an example of everyday life that hundreds of millions of Latin American outcasts are enduring.
As part of this barbarism, US imperialism has confined thousands of Hispanic refugees in army barracks at its borders and in real prisons and concentration camps, separating parents from their children.
When these hardships occur in Central America, the Caribbean and all of Latin America, the traitors of the workers 'and peasants' revolution, such as the Castro brothers and the Cuban CP, have raised their counterrevolutionary cry of "Socialism is no more possible even in Cuba." Stalinism is the greatest holder of imperialism and US imperialists in particular. It is which has created the best conditions for the US for its current counteroffensive in its "backyard."
FLTI militants internationally and their Latin American revolutionary groups from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, affirm that this martyrdom in the Americas exists thanks to the action of Stalinism that sustained the cowardly bourgeoisie of the continent. They surrendered the anti-imperialist and revolutionary struggle of the masses. They led the exploited to trust in the cowardly native bourgeoisies. It was they who defended the “Bolivarian Revolution” scam and held the Obama / Castro Pact with which they have sold out both the Colombian workers and peasant resistance (also disarming it) before the murderous regime of the 9 US military bases installed in that country, and Cuba to the capitalist restoration.
Now they lie before the eyes of the workers of the world, passing the Maduros, Moraleses, Lulas, Kirchners, etc. as supposed "anti-imperialists," although they are the representatives of the native bourgeoisie who have long since surrendered and knelt before the US imperialist master. They are minor partners in the slavery of our peoples and the theft of the wealth and natural resources of our nations.
The Bolivarian bourgeoisie withdraw now, ever surrendering to imperialism, after being used by it as "squeezed lemons" to complete their selling out of the wealth of the Latin American peoples and starving and shooting workers. This is what Maduro and the cowardly Venezuelan bourgeoisie do, who repay the fraudulent debt to the IMF, to the last penny, even though US imperialism has established a blockage on Venezuela. Meanwhile, Evo Morales of Bolivia is one of the exemplary governments that Wall Street directly manages, and he guarantees the theft of the hydrocarbon and mining wealth of that nation to imperialist bankers and transnationals.
Today all the exploited of the world are suffering the offensive of the capitalists. US imperialism and other imperialist pirates have a free rein to deepen their fierce attack because in recent years they were able to concentrate their forces and crush the two most advanced foci of the world revolution in Syria and Ukraine. This was thanks to the betrayal of Stalinism and other treacherous leaderships, supported by labor bureaucracies and aristocracies, which allowed the counterrevolution to advance against the masses that rebelled for bread and freedom.
In Ukraine, with the Minsk counterrevolutionary pact, imperialism, along with its lackey Putin, has split that nation and strangled the revolution that began in 2014. Putin "annexed" the Crimean peninsula and imperialism imposed a fascist regime in Kiev, thanks to the Stalinism that divided the Ukrainian working class. The pro-Russian oligarchy of the Donbass, supported by the Stalinist fifth-column and the bombs from Kiev, subdued the uprising miners of the Ukrainian East, recreating the false illusion of a “Novo Russya”, which was surrounded by NATO troops, the Russian base of Crimea and fascist troops of Kiev.
Comrades, we call you to fight together to defeat the Minsk pact, to recover the Crimean peninsula for the Ukranian nation that was robbed by the Moscow oligarchy and, uniting the fierce Ukrainian working class, to crush fascism and conquer a Soviet Ukraine, united, worker and socialist, free and independent, that would be a bastion of the revolution in Eastern and Western Europe.
On the other hand, in Syria, Stalinism along with all the social-imperialist parties and the renegades of Trotskyism mounted a siege against the Syrian revolution so that imperialism by the hand of Assad, Putin, Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah as its mercenary troops can deepen the genocide against the heroic Syrian people, while Turkey and FSA generals sold out each of the rebel cities from within. This is the result of the Geneva-Astana counterrevolutionary pacts of the United States, al-Assad, Russia and Turkey, under the UN umbrella.
But despite the hundreds of thousands of massacres, the millions of IDP gone towards the borders and the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing to Europe, the Syrian people continue to resist in the last trench of the revolution in Idlib.
Comrades: we call upon you to direct a call to the workers' organizations around the world from your Assembly to join forces to stop the genocide in Syria and carry out an international struggle, winning the streets, in support of the Syrian masses, to defeat al-Assad and expel all invading troops.
Today the scourges of the Syrian exploited are deepened day by day and with them, those of the martyred Palestinian masses. There is Hezbollah, the party of the Shiite billionaire bourgeoisie, which has not fired a single shot against the state of Israel but has dedicated itself to crushing the Syrian masses alongside al-Assad and Putin and now from the Lebanese government pursues Palestinian workers and Syrian refugees, taking away their labor rights, giving them to the subhuman life of chronic unemployment. This is how these lackeys of imperialism act that take care of the borders of the Zionism, occupier and executioner of the Palestinian nation!
In Iran, once it used the "Revolutionary Guard" of the Ayatollahs to slaughter the Syrian revolution, US imperialism also wants to grab and keep for itself all the oil of that nation. This time it aims to control it directly, without the intermediaries of that Islamic bourgeoisie that takes much of that national oil income.
The US pirates are contesting the "black gold" business of Germany, France and Japan (which feeds much of its transnationals' production with Iranian oil). The European imperialisms and Japan have a political and economic pact with the Iranian millionaire theocracy: they refine their oil, resell their derivatives and they have the largest investments in the productive apparatus of Iran.
The US imperialist offensive is also directed against them. The US needs to end the theocracy and get its imperialist competitors out of Iran. The US goes all the way there, even for the last square meter of the Middle East. This is why they invaded Iraq, they maintain more than 150,000 Marines in Afghanistan and planned and organized directly, from the back rooms, all the counterrevolutionary actions that crushed the enormous chain of revolutions that opened in 2011-2012 in the Maghreb and the Middle East, to blood and fire. The US preserved Zionism from that great revolutionary tide, while maintaining installed one of the largest US fleets in the region in the Mediterranean Sea.
"The clergymen live as kings and the people as beggars!" It is the cry of the workers and exploited of Iran against the counterrevolutionary and murderous regime of the Iranian theocracy, which is dedicated to persecuting, imprisoning and torturing the workers who fight for their rights, as happened with the steel workers of Ahwaz and the sugar workers of Haft Tappeh.
The more the Iranian ayatollahs control and strangle the revolutionary rise of workers and peasants in that oppressed nation, the more imperialism is strengthened that prepares the conditions for a direct attack against Iran. The US pirates know that, as happened with Kim Jong-un of North Korea yesterday, today the Iranian ayatollahs are able to surrender and get to their knees for a Tweet issued by Trump, the wild genocidal of the White House.
This infamous regime of the Iranian theocracy, servant of Frankfurt and Paris, does not even grant water and electricity to the areas of southern Iraq that it controls as is the case of Basra, where the masses suffer more than 50 degrees Celsius of heat. The Stalinism that makes these enemies of the working class pass as their allies, trying to show them as "anti-imperialists," should go to live there to know what it is to be under the control of that blood theocracy.
The great task to end the US imperialist blockade and expel German and Japanese imperialisms from Iran, is to return to the workers and socialist revolution as in the 1980s, with the workers and exploited setting up the shora, the workers and peasants councils to expropriate the millionaire clerics and the imperialist transnationals, and to chastise the exploiters in Iran and the whole Middle East again, this time decisively.
There are more examples that the working class of Japan, the Pacific and the world must know about how treacherous directions act. There is Stalinism with the CP of Sudan holding the scam of a "civic-military" transitional government alongside the murderous generals and the "democratic" bourgeoisie, to get the revolutionary masses out of the streets. In the same way acts Stalinism as part of the ANC governing South Africa with the black bourgeoisie at the service of AngloAmerican. It is Stalinism that from the French CGT has been preventing the fall of the Macron government, which the masses have been confronting with the barricade fighting whose revolutionary vanguard is the Yellow Vests.
More than 90 Communist Parties from all over the planet have held a conference to "refound the (counterrevolutionary) Third International" of Stalin, centralizing its forces to continue selling out the fighting of the exploited. Meanwhile, there are currents that claimed to speak from Trotskyism, which have been completely subordinated to Stalinism. They have made common parties with it (as in South Africa with the emergence of the SRWP). They have held congresses or common conferences such as those held by the CRCI (Coordinator for the Refoundation of the Fourth International) of the Workers Party of Argentina and the EKK of Greece together with Darya Mitina of the Unified Communist Party / OKP of Russia, a friend of al-Assad and Putin. They even held a “Seminar on Leon Trotsky” in Havana, organized by the new rich of the Cuban CP government.
Let us denounce and fight together against Stalinism and other treacherous leaderships that prostrate the struggles of the working class and subject it to different bourgeois variants to prevent the masses from advancing along the path of the workers and socialist revolution!
But despite so many betrayals and backstabbing, the working class does not give up and continues to engage in battles.
Just as the exploited in Nicaragua, Haiti and Puerto Rico revolt, the general strike in Honduras is fought and the resistance of Idlib does not surrender in bloody Syria, in Sudan and Algeria there are huge revolutionary uprisings of the masses for bread and for the fall of dictatorships and oppressive regimes.
In France, the “Black Vests”, which today stand in the heart of the imperialist Europe of Maastricht, emerge in the heat of the struggle of immigrant workers. Meanwhile, in Zimbabwe and throughout South Africa, new and huge combats of black workers are being prepared.
We call you to make your own and to promote a common struggle in support of immigrant workers who are persecuted and massacred around the world in which this system has divided a planet subjected by the capitalists to hunger, slavery and war. .
WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANT WORKERS IN THIS PUTREFACT CAPITALIST SYSTEM that must be swept away by the triumph of the Workers' and Socialist Revolution.
As we see, the Chinese working class, one of the most exploited on the planet, is far from giving up.
Today the masses rise again in Hong Kong, which are brutally repressed by the government of the new rich of the Chinese CP. They act the same way they do throughout China with the mobilizations of workers and peasants. The government of the Chinese mandarins persecutes with jail, torture and all forms of repression the workers who seek to stand up independent trade unions that defend them from the exploitation of the “red businessmen” and the imperialist transnationals. The workers of Jasic Technology of the city of Shenzen and the students who came in their support are detained and/ missing today. They are witness to de counterrevolutionary semi-fascist response the Chinese bourgeoisie gives the workers in revolt.
The Chinese workers are the best allies of the Japanese workers fighting against the Abe government! That is why we, comrades, call upon you to come out of your assembly in support of the workers and students of China and to organize actions in the streets to fight for the freedom of political prisoners and the appearance alive of the missing fighters.
The unity of the workers of Japan, China, the entire peninsula of Korea, Vietnam and throughout the Pacific must be set up to fight to recover the workers' and socialist revolution!
In this task have all our strength and our support. To a large extent, the fate of the world's workers is played today in the fighting that the Pacific working class is fighting or will wage.
Today, the workers and oppressed peoples of the world have in the US American working class a bulwark of our struggle. US workers imposed the withdrawal of Yankee troops from Iraq, planted the shout in the streets of "Black lives matter" and marked the way for workers in the world, saying that 1% of Wall Street parasites must be expropriated that have stolen all the wealth produced by human labor.
The combativeness that the American working class has demonstrated and goes on demonstrating is what has prevented Trump and the US imperialist pirates from imposing direct military invasions and not advancing, for now, on higher counter-revolutionary adventures that are what they need to regain control of the whole planet. The workers of the United States are the best allies of the world working class!
The struggle against imperialism, labor flexibility, slavery, looting, must find the working class united and coordinated internationally. That is the responsibility of all of us who claim to be revolutionary Marxists.
A single class, the same struggle! For the workers and poor people of the world to live: IMPERIALISM MUST DIE! STAND FOR THE INTERNATIONAL WORKER AND SOCIALIST REVOLUTION!
Let's fight together over borders to stop the war that imperialist vultures, native bourgeoisies and traitors bureaucracies of all coats have declared to the workers and exploited!
The workers of Japan, the United States and all imperialist metropolises are the true allies of the exploited of the oppressed countries! Today, the cry of the Communist Manifesto of "Proletarians of the World, Unite!" has more validity and force than ever!
Let's keep fighting together over borders!
Revolutionary greetings,
Julián Juárez, Milenka Lopez, Carlos Munzer, David Soria, Lourdes Fernández and Tito Benavídez
for the International Coordination Secretariat of the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction
Abu Muad,
for the paper “The Truth of the Oppressed” of the revolutionary socialists of Syria and the entire Middle East
Jussa K. and Paula M.
for the Workers International League (WIL) of Zimbabwe and Southern Africa
Benito T. and Paula M.
for Workers Democracy of the Spanish State
Internationalist Workers League – Fourth International (LOI-CI) / Workers Democracy of Argentina
Internationalist Workers Socialist League (LSTI) of Bolivia
Internationalist Workers Party – Fourth International (POI-CI) of Chile
Revolutionary Workers and Youth Committee for the Self-Organization (CROJA) of Brazil
Internationalist Workers Socialist League (LSTI) of Peru
Internationalist Revolutionary Nucleus of Colombia
Adherents of the Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International (FLTI)