Argentina - October 18th, 2021
Rally in Comodoro Py Courts against the prosecutor's plea and for the freedom of Sebastián Romero and the acquittal of Ruiz and Arakaki
The Prosecutor Elorrio asks for a sentence of 3 years and 4 months for Arakaki and 3 years for Ruiz
We are all Romero, Ruiz and Arakaki!
We won´t allow our comrades to be hurt!
Here are the pictures of the rally held in the Federal Capital (Argentina) in front of the Comodoro Py Court. There, Daniel Ruiz opened the event, taking the floor and calling to strengthen the fight for his acquittal, the acquittal of César Arakaki and for the freedom of Sebastián Romero.
Several labour and human rights organizations participated in the event at the gates of the court.
From the International Network for the Freedom of All Political Prisoners and Justice to Our Martyrs, together with the Commission of Convicted Workers, Families and Friends of Las Heras, we fight together in this activity because the workers and exploited of Argentina and the world need to defeat the attack of this bosses' justice, the State, the Fernándezes Government and all the bosses' parties.
We know that they wish to impose a lesson on the entire working class, holding Romero hostage and placing Ruiz and Arakaki on the dock; all of them, together with tens of thousands, rose up against the Pension Reform voted by the exploiters’ Congress.
On November 8, this fake trial mounted against the comrades continues, with the objective of deepening the attack on workers’ conquests and rights.
The fight continues!
From the labor and Human Rights organizations of Argentina and the world, a unified plan of struggle must be organized to defeat the Videlist judges and the anti-worker prosecutor Elorrio. The spots and spaces on radio and television that the parties that make up the FIT-U have for the elections must be made unconditionally available to Ruiz, Arakaki, Romero and all those persecuted and imprisoned for fighting, such as those sentenced to life in Las Heras. Conlutas workers in Brazil must fight together, with General Motors workers across the bordersfrom all over the continent, united with the Coordinators Bodies and organizations that fight for the freedom of the prisoners and persecuted in Chile and Colombia... from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego and on the five continents For a day of fury to free Romero and absolve Ruiz and Arakaki! |