January 24th, 2015
The destroyers of Trotskyism:
social-imperialism riding the French 5th Republic’s coat-tails
The events in France drawn a line between the revolutionary fights of the exploited masses and the servants of bourgeoisie and 5th Imperialist French Republic. Before the attacks on the proto-fascist magazine Charlie Hebdo, the entire social-imperialist left placed under the logic that we are witnessing a fight between a “democratic front of imperialist butchers” versus some kind of “fascist front” of Islamic terrorism. Thus, under the excuse of defending “the democratic freedoms” end at the feet of the imperialist butchers of French 5th Republic, which far from being “democratic” is a completely bonapartist state and armored to attack the heart of the European working class: immigrant workers. Other currents placed on the military side of the agents of imperialism, like the Islamic State –which exits to attack and smash the masses like in Mosul and Fallujah in Iraq- or like in Syria they smash workers with the parties-armies; or Al Qaeda, a group of mercenaries armed, organized and financed by CIA and Bush during the ‘80s.
In this “democratic front” we can find French LO and NAP. The last one celebrated the reactionary and pacifist wave imposed all over Europe saying that there were “millions against terrorism and racism, for democracy. No to the “Sacred Union”, no to the security laws!”. Shame on them! They celebrate a reactionary march of imperialist pirates. Millions marching? Stop lying. Millions are the ones who marched defending the masses of Gaza Strip all over the world. Millions of workers rebelled all over Europe since 2008 until now, against the brutal attack launched by the imperialist governments.
PTS (Argentina) states that the attacks in Paris will be used by US and European imperialisms to “fortify Zionism” in order to prepare a military attack against the Islamic State. What these people is hiding is that the one fortified is 5th Republic, armoring its regime to attack the heart of workers which are the immigrants, prosecuted and attacked by the police and the army, as well as TNCs that super-exploit them. It is the alliance of French 5th Republic and Zionism preparing to launch counterrevolutionary blows against revolutionary Greece and the heroic miners of Donbass. They are preparing for new attacks against the Palestine masses and now to the exploited of Yemen and Libya.
And PTS talks about an “attack of imperialism to the Islamic State”? For this cynical current masses and their revolutionary combats never exist. This is why they have been slandering the exploited peoples of Maghreb and Middle East, calling the Libyan militias “NATO troops”, or “savage tribes” the rebel masses of Mosul and Fallujah in Iraq. They are defenders of democracy of exploiters and the genocides of the Syrian masses.
So far imperialism, with Al Assad, with the Generals of Egypt US Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, has not launched a single attack against ISIS. So “legitimize Zionism to attack ISIS”? As long as imperialism needs ISIS to look after its oil fields and to smash the revolutionary masses of Syria, it will not attack ISIS as it has not done it so far. Since 2011 the lackeys of Iranian Ayatollahs has been saying that USA will invade Syria. This has not happened due to Al Assad is there doing the dirty work to massacring revolutionary masses on behalf of imperialism. Now they say Zionism will attack ISIS, when they (and Al Assad) look after Zionist borders, and they also prevented that the revolutionary masses in their fights, attack the Zionist-fascist state of Israel.
Currents like POR “face” the counterrevolutionary block of 5th Republic and European imperialists, but they say nothing on the fact that Al Qaeda, ISIS and Iranian Ayatollahs are all counterrevolutionary agents of imperialism, used to attack the masses. Yesterday they suffered over Kaddafy, today they support Al Assad and looked the other way with Al Qa-CIA. They are the reformist servants of the native bourgeoisies in the semi-colonial world. This is why this is the role played by POR in Bolivia: support by left Evo Morales’ government.
The truth is that they all together have the task of dividing the ranks and file of the working class, within France and Europe and all the exploited who rebelled and rebel like in Yemen, Libya. They want to destroy the tendency of workers to unify their fight across borders, like what they did against the massacre of the Palestinians in Gaza strip; the soldiers’ councils in Greece who tie their faith to the combat of the miners of Donbass. Thus, these servants of the British Queen, butchers like Hollande, Zionism, are loyal servants of the imperialist bourgeoisies when they are preparing to end smashing the revolution in Maghreb and Middle East.