January 22nd, 2015 France: Statement of the Collective for the re-foundation of the Fourth International - FLTI On the attack made on January 7th in Paris against the Xenophobic proto-fascist magazine Charlie Hebdo: The imperialist pirates of the French Fifth Republic…
THEY ARE BARBARISM! THEY ARE GENOCIDE! Hollande and the butchers of the Fifth Republic are the ones that massacred one million in Algeria, the ones that invaded Mali and CAR, and have military bases and secret jails in the entire Africa. They support and arm the governments that kill the peoples of the Black Africa in Chad, Gabon, DRC, Djibouti, Ivory Coast, Libya, Tunisia, Togo, Rwanda, Cameroon, Somalia. Hollande and his Foreign Legion educated and trained the genocidal armies of the whole world –among them, the genocidal dictatorships in Latin America during the 70’s and the 80’s- in savage torture because they made a school of it by the massacre of one million of Algerians at the end of world war II. As if so much plundering and genocide wasn’t enough… The xenophobic proto-fascist magazine Charlie Hebdo, supported by Zionism and those terrorists from Mossad, makes fun of and enjoys the massacre and plundering of the peoples from Maghreb and Middle East and millions of migrant workers of that region, the heart of the French and European working class The imperialist powers got what they deserved since 2011 with the revolutions and big mass actions in Maghreb and Middle East, which shook the world and confronted the imperialist barbarism from Tunisia to Libya, from Tahrir square in Egypt to Syria. Due to these great revolutions, the counterrevolutionary devices that the imperialist powers had in the region were totally battered. The European powers and Wall Street need to re-establish the boots and sabres of the generals in the region, to complete disciplining the unstoppable masses from Maghreb and Middle East and keep on plundering gas, oil and all the wealth. Imperialism must return Zionism its firepower, since it lost it because of the revolution and the marches of million workers on the streets around the world which paralyzed the Zionist war machine after it, in July and August 2014, slaughtered thousands of women, children and civilians in Gaza, more than those it killed in operation “cast lead” in 2008. USA is living a “Vietnam” syndrome in Iraq and Afghanistan. The peoples of the east imposed the retreat of all the invader troops. In this retreat, the imperialist powers left their counterrevolutionary agents to slaughter the peoples in Maghreb and Middle East: They made France and London City’s friends, Mubarak and Ben Ali return. To look after the oil wells, administrate the oil refineries and guard the oil pipes of Exxon, Shell and British Petroleum, they sent the commanders of ISIS to smash the revolutionary masses in Iraq and northern Syria. They armed Al Qaeda to the teeth. They protected it, and now, they use it in Yemen to break the workers-peasants unity of the Yemeni rising masses, directly attacking with terrorist actions the occupied public buildings where the Shoras (councils) of workers and peasants work.
LET HOLLANDE, CAMERON, MERKEL, OBAMA (WITH HIS 500 SECRET JAILS OF CIA), THE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES OF THE “FOREIGN LEGION” THEY ARE VERY MUCH AWARE WHO ARE THOSE! We are before an attack made to the measure of the needs of the European imperialist powers to gain mass bases so they can re-take firepower in their backyard, Maghreb, Middle East and the whole Africa We are before a custom-made attack that facilitates the butcher Holland and the French monopolies to win mass social base in France and the entire Europe to make military actions again, as yesterday it was the invasion to Mali. Also, this attack is being used by the European imperialist powers to launch fierce and superior attacks against its own working class. The bankrupted European imperialists in crisis, whose banks and TNCs stole the public funds from all the countries of Europe to recover their losses, need to burden the crisis on the European working class, as they are doing. It’s a matter of life or death for them to break the unity and solidarity in the struggle of the working class in Maghreb, Middle East and the entire Africa with the European and American working class. Millions of colored workers in USA and Europe, millions of migrant workers from the blood Africa and Maghreb and Middle East are part of the working class in these imperialist centres. For imperialism, the war cry “Fight like and Egyptian” or “Stop the massacre and the genocide of the Palestinian people” must never sound again on the streets of Rome, Berlin, Paris or New York. France as the “cradle of democracy and freedom”? THIS IS A LIE! It’s a smoke screen and hypocrisy of the imperialist powers “Liberal, free, and secular” France? LIES! They sustain the two mayor theocratic states in the world: the fascist Zionist state of Israel and, from the Geneva conference together with Obama and UN sustain the murderous Iranian state of ayatollahs that side by side Al Assad massacred in Syria and cover the withdrawal of Yankees in Iraq The “anticlerical France” defends and sustains to blood and fire the Zionist state and is his commercial partner, that is, the most fanatic theocratic state and fabricated in the planet created by UN, Stanilism, the Yankees, France and England at the end of the Second World War based on the religious myth of “the promised land that God gave to the Jewish people”. That’s an excuse to occupy with fascist methods the Palestinian nation and expropriate his lands, houses and segregate in a true Apartheid that occupied nation. “Democratic” France? IT’S A LIE! The French president, like a Bonaparte, decides on the invasion wars on the part of France, on the ruling over his colonies in the planet, on the hundreds of military bases, together with a handful corporations and bankers that compose his council of ministries. “Democratic” France? IT’S A LIE! They don’t guarantee the most minimal democratic freedoms for the minorities. They imposed on the Muslim masses in France a true Apartheid and segregation in the third-category neighborhoods, in houses with nothing to envy to those settled in the towns they called “barbarian” in Maghreb and Middle East earning second and third rate salaries and with millions of unemployed youth. On top of that, they do not even respect the right to his culture: to use chador and the clothing they want. DON’T LIE ANYMORE! YOU ARE VULGAR IMPOSTORS FRANCE IS THE V REPUBLIC OF THE NAPOLEON GENERALS, THIS TIME, NOT AGAINST THE EUROPEAN NOBILITY LIKE IT WAS IN THE 19th C, BUT AGAINST THE WORKING CLASS IN FRANCE, EUROPE, AND THE WORLD EXPLOITED PEOPLE. WHILE THEY SUSTAIN THE NOBILITY OF THE FINANCE OLIGARCHY OF THE BUNDESBANK, THE CITY OF LONDON AND PARIS
In France, England, Germany with the emergence of proto-fascist movements-like Peggida that labels the immigrants like “nasty pigs” or like Golden Down in Greece- they behave similarly or worse than the Wall Street yuppies against the Afro-American movement in USA, that is, the coloured working class in North America. Applying the demagogy and hypocrisy of the “defense of freedom and democracy” propelled after the attack, the French imperialism only seeks to win mass social base in the rich middle classes and high layers of the labor aristocracy to end imposing the maquila (sweat-shop) Europe, go to new adventures to recolonize the Russia of the murderous Putin. These are more than enough reasons so that the killers of the French V Republic and his allies have to explain what happened with Charlie Hebdo, as Bush still have to explain as well as the US Republicrat party what happened in the Twin Towers attack in USA IN 2001. Carrying on the attack, that the terrorist of the V Republic must explain (because they arm and finance –together with Saudi Arabia- the “terrorist groups” that today lead the clash forces against the revolutions in Maghreb and Middle East like ISIS and Al Qaeda), the only ones who benefit from it are those who seek to prepare new counterrevolutionary adventures in the planet. Till yesterday, the Iranian Ayatollahs were the “devil axe”. From the Geneva conference and UN, USA, France and England they sent them to massacre Syrian masses for Al Assad not to fall down in Damascus. Till yesterday they were “terrorist groups”. Today they are deserving allies. THE IMPERIALIST POWERS ARM AND FINANCE THE DIFFERENT BOURGEOIS FACTIONS OF THE REGION, AS THEY DO WITH ZIONISM TO MASSACRE THE EXPLOITED MASSES IN THE ENTIRE REGION TO STEAL THEIR WEALTH. The world working class must know it. In these conditions, we are facing a terrorism of different imperialist factions and their bourgeois factions that move according to the interests and needs of the pillage on the part of the world transnationals and finance oligarchy.
For the French working class: The enemy is at home! The labor bureaucracy and aristocracy of the trade unions and socialimperialist parties hug and sustain with all their strength the imperialist butchers, terrorists of the V French Republic by telling the lie of “defending the democracy. Today Paris is militarized. Yesterday in Paris and all through France the demonstrations to support the Palestine People were banned by a brutal repression …that is the “democracy” of the V Republic: who does not support Zionism and the counterrevolutionary clash forces against the Palestine nation and Middle East people will receive repression, jail and torture. The future of the French working class is tied to the oppressed class brothers of Maghreb and Middle East and bloody Africa. It is side by side those who today stand up in the revolutionary Greece and in the heroic combats of the Donbass miners who reject to be submitted to the rules of IMF and the imperialist killers of the EU and Maastricht bankers. From Berlin, Madrid and Paris the counterrevolutionary forces are preparing to march towards the East. They will not hesitate together with NATO to stain in blood that region if the revolution of the worker and soldiers that is standing up in Greece and Ukraine advances. The war cry must be: the enemy is at home! Down with the V Republic! Dissolution of the intelligent services and all the repressive forces! Out the army of the Paris streets! Out the French troops of Mali! The workers’ ranks must be unified against the attack on the French and European working class launched by the imperialist Maastrich. Break with the bourgeoisie! We are all immigrants! For equal work, for equal salary! Out the labor bureaucracy and aristocracy, those collaborationist in the unions that sustain the attack against the working class and their gains. Open the road to the French worker youth! No more unemployment! Distribution of the labor hours at disposal among all the workers! For the crisis to be paid by the capitalists, bankers and transnationals! Expropriation without payment and under workers’ control of all the transnationals and imperialist banks that robbed people and today attack brutally the French working class and plunder the people they oppress all around the world! The enemy is at home and the allies of the French working class are the exploited in the colonies and semi-colonies that the imperialist V Republic plunders! The allies of the French exploited are the Muslim masses that yesterday made whole Mediterranean shake and today are suffering the worst counterrevolution, genocides and barbarism! Out the Mossad of Paris! The French working class: stands up in defense of the occupied Palestine nation! Open the road to the workers and soldiers of Greece and Ukraine! A single class, a single fight! Out the imperialist Maastricht! For the Socialist United States of Europe! |