Argentina - September 13th, 2019
Argentina crashed with the underwater rocks of the world financial crisis
Fierce war of the capitalists against the working class
After the 2008 crash, the bankrupted imperialist capitalist system keeps burdening its “losses” crisis on the workers and the subjugated people of the world. The world finance oligarchy has long ago spent the profits that human labour has not produced yet. Recovering those profits and spending them in advance once again is the vicious circle in which the 1% of parasites, which has accumulated 50% of the world’s wealth, is based on.
In 2008, USA and all the European imperialist powers nationalized the losses of the bankrupted banks. They covered those losses with the values accumulated in their treasuries. The US Federal Reserve gave 600,000 million dollars to Wall Street to recover its accounts, in the face of the bubble’s bursts and the falsified accounting balances. The imperialist states gave their companies and banks in crisis fresh money with zero interest rate, in order to recompose their rates of profits. This was for them to make business as they did in Argentina. So, they had zero interest rate and fresh funds, with no costs, in order to bankroll the weapon purchase in the subjugated countries, to guarantee the expansion of their transnational companies and to get super-profits in the colonial and semicolonial world, by opening again a heavy indebted process, as it happened in Brazil and in Argentina.
The trade war that has started in the midst of the world economic crisis does not give a rest.
All the different imperialist powers are disputing the markets, especially, the plundering and control of the Chinese labour force and the oil and gas wealth of Russia as well as its industrial-military apparatus. Germany, the first economy in Europe, has entered in recession as well as Italy and England. The latter is in between the European Union and the US plan of advancing over the Pacific associated to it.
Trump, leading the Wall Street pirates, blew the hell of the division of labour in world economy. The trade pacts and agreements are over. Trump’s motto is “USA first”.
In this offensive, the US stamped on its Latin American “backyard”. They are going for PDVSA, besieging Venezuela. They are going for the military state companies of Brazil and its oil. The Peruvian, Bolivian and Chilean mining sector is 100% under the transnational companies’ control. Central America plunges in the mud of an infinite decay while it remains as a slave labour force for the US economy.
Wall Street Banks found a profitable business in Argentina, in order to recover their profits. As we said in the presentation of this paper, Argentina became a large “revolving door” for the great imperialist investment funds and also for the bourgeoisie and the native ruling classes.
Entering Argentina with zero interest rate, purchasing treasury bonds (getting between 40% and 80% return), changing them back to dollars and taking them out of the country meant a new ‘theft of the century’ to the nation. This is even bigger than in the times of the military dictatorship when the Argentinean foreign debt was multiplied.
Alfonsin paid this debt in due time, thus making the country to go bankrupt in 1989. Afterwards, Menem paid it by handing over all the state companies. De la Rua finished the job of plundering and handing over the entire nation. After 2 years of default, Kirchners renegotiated a 120,000 million US dollars foreign debt to 253,000 millions to be paid in 2030, with ‘super interests’ and a bond to all the creditors that was paid in cash every year for every point of GDP increase.
Over that huge theft and plundering of the nation, Macri’s gang appeared. And now, Fernandez comes and says that the Argentinean bourgeoisie, which is tied to imperialism, the oligarchy and the transnational companies in a thousand business deals, will start a new productive cycle based on “domestic market consumption”. It is a cruel and absolute lie and deceit…
That very bourgeoisie is the one that has stopped almost 50% of the Argentinean production, of its factories, machines and services. Striking workers with their picket lines have not shut down the production. It was this very system, which cannot feed its slaves and not even make the machinery work in order to create goods.
Claiming that this system endures and that the workers can improve their living standards in it is a vile lie against the working class. The crisis is already here. If the way out of it is given by the capitalist system, there will be a maquila in Argentina, which will be a thousand times more chained to imperialism as a colony.
In the face of this, there is no chance of “deepening” democracy to improve the living standards of the masses, as the parliamentarian left preaches. They want the workers to believe that with a law that suspends the dismissals the capitalist voracity and its economic crash can be stopped, whereas they don’t even mention the need of getting the jobs back for the 300,000 fired in the industrial sector and the 200,000 fired in the public sector. Let alone to attack the private property of the capitalists to make the machines that the employers stopped work again.
The left calls for a law to “increase wages in 30%” without the need of attacking the capitalists’ and banks’ superprofits. They intend to solve the food emergency without expropriating the oligarchy, the great supermarkets, the farming industry and the cereal companies that make 40,000 million US dollars as farming earnings.
What FIT-U’s leadership is saying about the possibility of ending starvation, having jobs and getting “gains” within the frames of this infamous regime is a total lie and also shows the total cowardliness of these so-called “socialists” that have long ago became vulgar leftists in a Parliament, which is nothing but Wall Street clerk’s office.
The capitalists speak the language of crisis. The working class does not have a revolutionary leadership that speaks that language and clearly poses the need to expropriate the capitalists to be able to eat, and for that we need to prepare and organize a victorious socialist revolution.
This is the only way out the working class has. To conquer it, they must unite with their workers and peasants siblings from Latin America and fight together with those who confront the imperialist beast from within: the US and European working class.
We have to tell the masses the truth. The bourgeoisie threatens the workers with the “return of 2001”. However, the bourgeoisie was the one that brought back the “2001” with a new economic crash, default and unprecedented catastrophes for the masses. The bourgeoisie warns and insists: “2001 cannot return”. They want that year to remain in history as a huge crisis. However, this is not so. They want to hide that 2001 was nearly their own grave. That is what the way out that workers must prepare is about, the grave of the bourgeoisie and the destruction of this rotten capitalist system.
Argentina will be socialist or a Wall Street colony