The Covid-19 pandemic batters the US and the one suffering it is the working class, on which, also, the big imperialist bourgeoisie burdens the economic and social crisis. The workers are in the worst conditions to resist it, since the great struggle movements that they set up in the previous period were taken to the feet of the Democratic Party of the US imperialist butchers, because of their leaderships.
This happened, for instance, with the youth and workers that in 2011 were marching in the big American cities to the cry “Down with the 1%!”. In New York, the fight was to Occupy Wall Street. Also, it was the case with the movement for 15 dollars an hour minimum wage for the fast food and service workers of 2012 and the movement Black Lives Matter confronting the crackdowns and killings of the black youth by Obama’s police which were mostly in 2014. All these movements were part of huge international struggles of the working class, as Occupy Wall Street was the sibling of the Outraged in the Spanish State and the great revolutions in Maghreb and Middle East, or Black Lives Matter was part of the struggle of the workers in Africa and that of the black working class across the world.
All their leaderships ended up supporting senator Sanders, a millionaire bourgeois, defender of Zionism and precandidate for the Democratic Party, a self-proclaimed “socialist” who started to move to the left with the goal of taking these struggles to a dead end. Therefore, Sanders took all those movements to the Primaries of the Democratic Party in 2016 and to the national convention. They were separated from the world working class and subordinated to their own imperialist bourgeoisie, preventing the mass political struggle and their self-determination structures from being developed. It all ended at the feet of Hillary Clinton, who had been part of the Obama administration. Now, this counterrevolutionary recipe has been repeated once again, with Sanders withdrawing his pre-candidancy and calling to vote for Biden.
The reformist left of Stalinists and former Trotskyists, both in the US and elsewhere, supported Sanders, endorsed his “socialist” title, called to follow him and some of them even dissolved their organizations inside his movement, and they were part of this rip-off and dead end to which the huge struggles of the American workers and youth were taken.
Seeing that the support to Sanders had ended in a support to the Democrats of the Obama government, which had taken away the gains of the workers, a sector of the American working class ended up being a victim of Trump’s demagogy of “returning to the American dream”.
In this condition the American working class was when it had to confront the pandemic and the crisis, whose burden today the imperialist bourgeoisie is throwing on it. It has its ranks torn apart and the vanguard movements that had waged huge struggles are now subordinated to the Democratic Party.
To confront the full attack that the imperialist bourgeoisie has waged on the working class and face the pandemic, we need to return to the path of those great combats and multiply and coordinate those that the American working class is already waging, setting up factory committees, rank and file assemblies and imposing the strike. The working class needs to organize independently, breaking with every subordination to Sanders and the Democratic Party.