Published in Democracia Obrera 81. November 2015
October 21, 2015
Again, a school of Marxism's counterfeits
The "theoreticians" of PTS's leadership reviewed the theory of imperialism of Lenin saying that we live in a "reformist era" ... that means a reformist policy and program of PTS-FIT.
The "theoreticians" of PTS have left no stone unturned to revolutionary Marxism, and defined the working class living, in the kingdom of democracy of Argentina where is possible , populating the parliament and legislatures with left deputies, to improve the overall living level of the working class and the exploited masses without demolishing the bourgeois state with a socialist revolution.
The leaders of the FT-CI (PTS) in an interview on May 22, 2015 (which can be seen on internet) said without the slightest embarrassment that "the fundamental contradiction we are facing is how to build a revolutionary party into a reformist era; in a non-revolutionary period ", it is a fake rather a revision (since they are not even serious revisionists who say honestly that they are reviewing the Marxism) the character of the period defined by Lenin as the epoch of the death agony of capitalism, that is, an imperialist epoch of crises, wars and revolutions, where the immediate task of the proletariat is to lead the socialist revolution to live, eat and not be crushed by the counter-revolution and the barbarism of imperialist wars, they are the basis to further develop any kind of reformist politics and class collaboration.
And, even more, to define a national character of the era, it is already an absurdity that can only do those charlatans who have renounced any struggle for world proletarian revolution. This revisionist poison is forming cadres and political leaders who then will impose cruel defeats to the labor movement and the militant youth.
These leaders speak in that interview of a "contradiction" that the FIT has already solved. That is, in the "reform era " what to do are "reformist" parties to pressure the bourgeoisie to take out this or that achievement, that allows the improvement of the conditions of the working class. Then they say that the PTS has been the aim of intervening in the working masses, including their culture, promoting the organization of "football championship in the labor movement. The leadership of this Social Democrat current lives in the "kingdom of parliamentary democracy", while the working class lives under the dictatorship in factories, such production rates that mutilates their arms, legs..., conditions of slavery, layoffs, starvation wages, repression and sentenced to prison life imprisonment for fighting, shooting in slums etc; situations, of course, they do not put up with.
For these reasons it might wonder, Could exist some shameless group when the capitalist parasites go from crack to crack dragging the planet to the foulest barbarism, pocketing values that have not been created by any human labor, as the 236 trillions of dollars of "derivatives" found on Wall Street, when they are preparing new leaps of the 2008 bankruptcy, shout that we are in a non-revolutionary period? It could be bluffers, that when the planet is plenty of genocides as the one in Syria, workers and youth massacres as in Mexico, counterrevolutionary invasions such as Yemen and much more... to come and say that we are in a reformist period? We say yes, they exist, and by name, is the direction of PTS.
Well, the PTS and the FIT are consistent: a "reformist era" found a reformist party, as is the old European social democracy faced by the Bolsheviks and the Third International of Lenin and Trotsky.
This is then the theoretical and political matrix of positions and revisionism that distills the FIT poisoning the consciousness of the advanced workers and youth who every day are forced to confront the capitalist system. Then we develop these issues in the light of the FIT own actions and its presidential candidate Del Caño
Aníbal Vera