Argentina - January 16th, 2017
AGR-Clarin workers occupied the factory in Pompeya, in defense of 300 jobs, facing the closure of the bosses
The attack of AGR-Clarín bosses is an attack on all the workers in the country. It is part of the plans of Macri’s government, the bosses and the transnational companies to impose labour outsourcing and disorganize the ranks of the workers by attacking their militant and anti-bureaucratic organizations such as the Internal Commission of the Orange List (Lista Naranja) of AGR-Clarín. With the complicity of the union bureaucracy, they had liquidated the collective bargain in Vaca Muerta before this, and now they are trying to close one of AGR factories ... Macri’s government, the bosses and the imperialist transnational companies come for all ... They want to start the discussion of the collective bargain in this position in order to liquidate the working wage. We cannot allow it! Let’s stop this attack!
We are all AGR-Clarin workers!
Stop the attack!
Let’s all go to the picket line of the graphic workers!
Long live the occupation of the factory!
No retrenchments! Everyone keeps their job!
Nationalization without compensation and place under workers control of AGR-Clarín and every factory that closes, suspends or layoffs!
On Monday January 16, AGR-Clarín workers at the factory in Pompeya, when they came to work were bitterly surprised that the company had decided to close its gates at that factory, claiming there was a crisis in the sector in order to restructure its production. During the day the layoffs telegrams started to arrive. The main justification of the bosses is the lack of collaboration of the internal committee (union) and the workers to the needs of the company. This is a lie! As it is well denounced by the workers and their internal commission, the bosses have not had any kind of crisis. There is plenty of money. Down with trading secret! Let’s open the accounting books of the entire Clarín group to show that they have a lot of fortunes!
The answer of AGR-Clarín workers was not delayed and they immediately occupied the factory in defense of their jobs and in a statement they denounced the bosses maneuvers, the militarization of the surroundings areas of the factory with the federal police and the gendarmerie, and the workers called on all workers' organizations, human rights and activist to come to support them. During the day a picket line was set up with the workers who were outside together with the organizations that came to give solidarity. Out with the gendarmerie and police forces! Let’s set up self-defense pickets of the workers' organizations to defend all the workers who can suffer any attempt of police repression.
The leadership of the Graphic Federation (Union of the workers of the sector) calls a national strike of that branch only for Thursday. It's late, we need a strike now! The bosses and the Labor Ministry are trying to make the fight to be watered down. Any negotiation must start with the demand that no worker should be dismissed! Everybody in! With rank and file assemblies in all the workplaces, let’s impose the general strike now in the entire graphic sector for all our demands. It is necessary to impose the unity of all the workers of the union under a same plight of demands along the militant lists as the Bordo, along with the workers of Donnelley in struggle, the workers of Interpack, Morvillo and the thousands of workers of the slave shops. Nationalization without payment and place under the control of AGR-Clarín and Donnelley workers, in the path to impose the workers' control in the whole branch of the printing industry! All under the graphic work agreement! No more jobs under the law (casual worker)! No more layoffs!
Clarín Group has dismissed more than 600 workers. The plan to restructure the production of the bosses of the friend of the genocidal dictatorship of Videla, Magnetto, is not other than to impose greater labor outsourcing with dismissals, liquidation of wages and workers' conquest. This means overexploitation of cheap labor with infernal production rhythms. This is the plan of the bosses and Macri’s government and all the bosses parties (FpV, PJ, Front Renovador) from the parliament and the governments have approved and supported 99% of their anti-worker laws. They imposed in Cresta Roja, then with the workers of Tierra del Fuego, with thousands of layoffs and closures of establishments and this year started with the agreement in Vaca Muerta, more closures of establishments, dismissals and repression as it happened with the vendors and the peasants with Mapuche origin... and today with this new attack in AGR.
Everyone to the occupation and picket of AGR workers!
Let’s set up a Fighting Coordinator Committee…
To unify the demands and vote a fighting plan in the path to impose a NATIONAL STRIKE for all our demands
Delegates from the entire militant worker’s movement and the sectors in struggle to coordinate the resistance to the plans of Macri, the bosses and the imperialist transnational companies!
Down with the social pact between the government, the bosses and the union bureaucracy!
The government and bosses know very well that, in order to impose their plans for labor outsourcing, they have to defeat the militant and anti-bureaucratic workers' organizations. For that reason, the attack on the AGR workers, their internal commission and the rank and file assembly today is an attack on all classism and the combative workers' movement. If AGR-Clarín workers are defeated, they come for everyone. Their struggle cannot be isolated. No sector of the working class can save itself from the catastrophe that the government and the bosses will have prepared.
We need to set up a fight coordinator committee from the occupation and the picket of the factory in Pompeya call all the sectors that are facing the attack of Macri and the bosses parties to unify our demands and conquer a fighting plan in the path to impose the general strike to the union bureaucracy that sold out all our conquests. The Labor organizations which were recovered from the trade union bureaucracy, such as SUTNA, Haedo branch of the Railway Union, the Federation of Oil Workers, the Sutebas opposition, the Meat Workers Red List and all the internal militant commissions must place their full influence to organize this struggle and for AGR workers prevail.
We need to transform the occupation and picket into a gathering point of all the militant sectors and in struggle with a unique plight of demands to stop the attack and the repression of this government and the bosses. Not a single layoff! Hire again all the dismissed workers! National Single Collective Bargain! Minimum wage equal to the family basket with index according to inflation! Workers do not care about the crisis or the profits of the bosses, all the ones ruling full their pockets at our expenses. Nationalization without payment and under workers' control of every factory that closes, suspends or lays off! For the unity of the employed and unemployed workers... Decent work and under work agreement for all! Sliding scale of working hours so that all the unemployed workers go to work!
The bosses, the government and their justice, as they are doing it, will want to open causes to the comrades who defended their jobs occupying the factory. No worker with charges or trial! Enough of repress and persecute those who fight! Free the peasants with Mapuche origin, Milagro Sala and all political prisoners! Acquittal to the oil workers of Las Heras and the workers of Tierra del Fuego! Drop the charges to more than 7,000 workers and popular fighters persecuted!