Argentina – December 20, 2016
December 19 and 20 2001 and Cordobazo in 1969:
Two revolutionary great deed of the Argentinean working class
After 15 years from the revolutionary waves of 2001 which made to blow the bourgeoisie parties regime and all the domain institutions, all the boss politicians enemies of the people return.
To defeat the attack of Macri, the governors of UCR and FpV on behalf of Wall Stret
It is necessary to fight as in 2001!
With strikes and the General Strike
“Everyone out, not even one should remain”
of the boss politicians, bankers and union bureaucrats who gave out our conquests
In the fights of December 19 and 20, 2001, the workers and exploited of the country identified their executioners, boss politicians, bankers and capitalists and with independent historical actions, defeated in the streets their government and their puppet parliament, leaving martyrs in the general strikes and barricades of those revolutionary days. The slogan that prevailed in the streets was "Everyone out, not even one should remain”. This slogan was the one that imposed the true class independence of the workers, breaking with the boss’ parties and the rotten union bureaucracy at the war cry of "A where is, it is not seen, CTA and CGT".
This mass onslaught conquered its self-organization organizations of political struggle and coordination of the sectors in struggle: the piqueteras assemblies (assemblies of the unemployed workers) at national level and popular assemblies, true embryos of workers and popular power where even voted "For a government of workers, piqueteros and the popular assemblies" as did the National Inter-neighborhood Assembly of Parque (Park) Centenario in 2002.
The revolutionary processes in Argentina were part of a single workers 'and peasants' revolution that was beginning to take place in the whole of continent, from Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia and Argentina, beginning to get into USA with the anti-war movement of the American working class and youth.
If the 2001 revolution carried out did not prevail, it was not because of the lack of struggle, abnegation and sacrifice of the exploited, but because the leadership organized in the World Social Forum concentrated their efforts to abort the revolution throughout the continent leading the struggle to the native bourgeoisie.
The bourgeoisie regrouped forces and attacked by massacring the comrades Kosteki and Santillán on the Pueyrredon Bridge. Then Fidel Castro himself came to Argentina to abort the revolution and supported Nestor Kirchner. This operation was part of imposing the scam of the Bolivarian revolution, expropiator of the workers' and socialist revolution.
The sufferings that the working masses is living throughout the continent and in Argentina in particular is the direct result of the expropriation and abortion of a single worker and peasant revolution throughout the continent. The best expression of this policy was the Obama-Castro pact and when Cuba was given out to Wall Street and the transnational companies that spread the US flag in Havana.
To hide all this, the leaders of the left currents say that 2001 were "immature days" and that the slogan "Everyone out..." was wrong, since "it did not show a course to take the political power" . Incredible, this is said by those who held the microphone to Castro on the steps of the Law Faculty, who liquidated the revolutionary piquetero movement by nationalizing it and transforming it into a begging movement; who destroyed the Popular Assemblies from within; who divided the movement of recovered factories; who never call again for the National Piquetera Assembly and in this way left no trace of what the masses had built in their struggle. The left currents accuse the Argentinean revolution of 2001 of being immature and incorrect when they support the "Bolivarian revolution" across the continent while today they tell the working class that all their problems are solved by voting in parliament and "Putting many left candidates”... They call the masses “immature" that in their few days, imposed the class independence and broke with all the boss parties with which today FIT makes parliamentary political blocks and votes laws and projects in common.
In the hands of Fidel, Chavez, and Nestor "all returned" the bosses politicians,
Exploiters and enemies of the people
With the scam of the "Bolivarian revolution" and the K "all of them returned": the anti-workers boss politicians and built again the infamous regime. Now Macri with the same bosses politicians who were kicked in 2001, conspire against the people and from the parliament and the state they apply the plans of imperialism and transnational corporations that redouble day by day the plunder of the nation with layoffs, outsourced, cutts, inflation, repression and misery.
It is a government representative of the imperialist parasites that steal everything and make the workers pay their feast through super-explotation, the labor outsourcing and the wage robbery with the VAT and with the income tax, while they deepen a declared a true war against the working class and the exploited redoubled the repression against those who fight.
Fifteen years after the revolutionary fights of December 19 and 20, 2001, there are those who still tell workers that they can improve their living conditions from the parliament of the exploiters with bills with the leftist deputies, without fighting to destroy this system with the socialist revolution.
The working class cannot improve its general living conditions within the rotten capitalist system
In this "Argentine maquila (sweat shop)" under the boot of Wall Street, the only way for the exploited to live is the Socialist Revolution
To defeat the attack of Macri government and the boss' parties on behalf of the imperialist transnational companies, supported by the truce of the union bureaucracy and its negotiation of "Dialogue for Production and Labor" with the government, the only alternative for working class is to open the road again of 2001, with the struggle in the streets and setting up the self-determination bodies in struggle.
In order to fight for decent work, 2001 piquetero movement must return, which in Tartagal and Mosconi block routes, attacked the property of the oil companies and made popular uprisings demanding genuine labor, unifying the employed and unemployed workers in the same struggle and organization.
We must fight again, the one what could led the Subway workers to get the 6-hour shift work, coordinating the stoppage of the lines and fighting with the piquetero movement that fought for decent jobs.
In order to end to the income tax and job insecurity, we must take the path of Las Heras oil workers, which in 2006, with strikes, pickets, general assemblies, and imposing the unity between the outsourced workers and the full timers, fought together for the wages. We must coordinate those who are fighting into a single fight, for the same demands.
We must fight for the punishment of the murderers of our martyrs of 2001, Kosteki and Santillan; against the massacres of workers such as the Subway, Line 60 and the thousands who die each year in their jobs due to the bosses' laziness; for the acquittal of the oil workers of Las Heras and by the freedom of the 11 bus drivers of Salta.
There is no time to waste, the attack is defeated in the streets and fighting as in 2001 and not with laws in the capitalist parliament. Enough with the truce of the union bureaucracy! We must coordinate and regroup the ranks of the working class in a national plenary with rank and file delegates of the militant workers' organizations! We need a Fighting Plan and the General Strike!
The Argentine working class did not miss a fighting date, it was always up to the circumstances, the ones who missed the date were its leaders.
Today the so-called "New Left" unpacks old recipes of the Social-Democracy and Stalinism in order to deny the socialist revolution, its struggle is for "a superior democracy" within the capitalist system.
The Argentine working class needs to take again the flags of proletarian internationalism and revolution. It needs a leadership to conquer the conditions for victory. For this reason, the revolutionary socialists fought to re-found Mateo Fossa's party as part of the struggle to re-found the world party of the socialist revolution: The Fourth International of 1938.
Argentina will be socialist or colony of Wall Street!
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