Statement of the bulletin of Metal Workers “La Gota” (The Drop, TN) on the aggression suffered by members of PCR-PTP
Out with the methods of Stalinist bureaucracy from worker’s organizations!
PCR-PTP attacks workers and women defending US flag
There was a public meeting-festival propelled by unions and organizations that claim belonging to the working class. It was held in Sarmiento Square in San Nicolas “against impunity of yesterday and today”, for “the 30,000 comrades disappeared detained” during the last military dictatorship and against Obama’s trip to Argentina. There, a leader of PCR-PTP –Armando Tactagi- attacked a know militant metal worker member of La Gota, a retired metal workers with motor disability, his wife and daughter (dismissed textile worker) to whom Tactagi attacked with rage and brutally pulled their hairs.
The attack was made for the “felony” of burning US flag rejecting Obama’s trip to Argentina, who is current US imperialism’s representative that organized the coup in 1976. After the attack this leader called local police to repress those who do not think as them and to imprison tens of members of Democracia Obrera. PCR-PTP: brave people to attack women and children but very coward and they kneel before Sociedad Rural (Agrarian Bosses Chamber, TN)!
This Stalinist sect wanted to silence at all costs the voice of the ones who were denouncing Obama’s trip to Cuba and those who fight against Al-Assad’s, Putin’s and Americans’ genocide in Syria –with over 500 thousands deaths which would make Videla blushed. Clearly they wanted to silence the voice of those who denounce the current genocide in Syria, while we defended the Syrian people, these people defended their executioners.
They want to prevent us from painting the city against killer Obama and genocide army. They did not allow us to read a statement from the convicted workers of Las Heras. After the meeting PCR-PTP followed different comrades to their homes, doing a true progrom and in the way they hit comrade Pelado, shop steward of metal workers. Now the ATTACKER pretends to be the victims.
The action of setting US flag in fire is a symbol of the anti-imperialist struggle of the oppressed peoples of the world. US flag does not exist to be raised, but to be burned by all the oppressed, plundered and massacred peoples of the world!
We know where they copy the methods of repression and aggression: from Triple A of Peron, Isabel and Lopez Rega –to whom they supported, selling out thousands of workers, among them many in Villa Constitucion and Villazo. In the ‘80s they supported the army man Seineldín and Menem, who sold out the nation. They are with the soy bean bosses, while hundreds of workers die in the docks, silos, agrochemical industry and where thousands of rural workers are treated by slaves.
We call worker and student organizations to reject this terrible aggression.