After the mobilization of Dec 11th to Plaza de Mayo convened by the FIT-U against the IMF…
Two Ways Of Confronting The Government And Imperialism
Either a "Democratic" movement of pressure on parliament or one applying the method of class struggle and socialist revolution
Argentina, strangled by the foreign debt and imperialism, face two bourgeois policies to pass the attack against the working class
The Fernandezes government advances in the surrendering of the nation as part of a Latin America that is bleeding under the yoke of foreign debt and imperialist looting, both exacerbated by the conditions of the world crash.
Twenty years have passed since the revolutionary outbreak of 2001. The PJ and PRO governments have done nothing more than perpetuate the subjugation and pillage of the nation, plunging the working class into a hell of hunger, exploitation and misery as has not been seen since 2001.
But the FIT-U only denounces the debt that Macri got into, and they do not mention the US $ 340 billion debt imposed on Argentina by the 1970s Military government with iron and fire and later by the successive governments of the UCR, the PJ and the PRO. The FIT-U did not pose the working class a way to face the offensive of imperialism and its native partners with the method of the revolutionary struggle of the working class and the poor people, with which we expelled De la Rúa and 4 presidents in a week. On the contrary, they try to picture the PJ gang in government as progressive against Juntos por el Cambio (Together for Change, main opposition party, NT), which is a real scam.
The fact is that we are facing two bourgeois policies, one tries to pass the attack on the workers in one stroke, the other in installments, but both aim to guarantee the payment of the debt in conditions of crisis, hunger and misery, which is the same cause that led to the revolutionary uprisings in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru and motivated the uprising of Chubut.
The Fernándezes government, which is not progressive at all, presents itself as the best guarantor of debt repayment. It warns of the danger of a new mass uprising as in 2001 and therefore seeks to strengthen the iron control of the working class via the bureaucracy of state-controlled unions and millions of pesos in welfare controlled by the Vatican backed piqueteer bureaucracy. They have unified the CGT and hardened the containment networks of the local leaders, Grabois and the “Cayetanos”. And for the sectors that escape this control, there are the fascist gunmen of the CGT and the more than 600 thousand members of the repressive forces that carry out a silent massacre of the working youth in the neighborhoods.
That was the objective of the “three squares” (rallies) they convened: the one organized by ‘The Campora’ (juvenile Peronist organization led by Cristina Kirchner's son, NT) youth and the CTA (one of the union centrals) on 10/17; the "square" of the scabs of the unified CGT on 10-18; and the "square" on 12-10 with the senile “Bolivarians”, (Brazilian former president) Lula and (Uruguayan former president) "Pepe" Mujica, proven servants of imperialism, with which they sought to create illusions in the masses that they can negotiate with the IMF without further hunger and misery.
Imperialism uses the Fernandezes to do the dirty work of passing the attack on the masses, it squeezes them like a lemon until it gets all their juice... and if it has to sink them, so be it!
The anti-worker opposition is there to guarantee that this plan is strictly applied: "it is not enough," they tell Fernández, "hit harder, devalue the peso more, cut down social plans, pensions and salaries, increase rates again and again."
As much fuss as they make to avoid ending up like a “squeezed lemon,” the bourgeois government gang knows they have no alternative. It will never break with imperialism, to which it is tied by a thousand economic and political ties. The only thing it can do is measuring how far to attack without the mass movement breaking out.
Before the imperialist offensive, two paths for the working class
The mobilization against the IMF, which gathered important forces, could have been the first step in an anti-imperialist regrouping of the workers' vanguard. But the FIT-U, which ranks as the "third force" with 1,400,000 workers' votes, unfortunately proposed another policy; namely confronting imperialism with a broad movement, of the likes of the "green tide" against abortion, of all the sectors that are against the IMF: workers, women, youth, popular sectors, the environmental movement and even the Kirchnerista bourgeois left.
The content of this policy is to make a great "democratic" pressure movement on the Parliament, such as it was the "green tide", which ends up in a front of the FIT-U MPs with "progressive" bosses' MPs to reject the agreement with the IMF, in a policy of open class collaboration with Kirchnerism.
In the last electoral campaign, FIT-U MPs Nicolas Del Caño and Myriam Bregman proposed this policy of parliamentary pressure: "as the conclusion we draw from the 'green tide': it is discussed, it is voted in Congress but it is conquered in the streets" (09/09/2021 in C5N).
The other path has just been shown by the workers' and popular uprising in Chubut, a working class and revolutionary struggle led by the working class, which has marked a 180º angle with the policy of the FIT-U.
Indeed. The working class and the exploited masses of Chubut defeated Governor Arcioni's Mining Law and the mining companies. They did not do it presenting bills or convening pressure mobilizations on the Legislature, but with direct actions in the streets, strikes, mass mobilizations, pickets, popular assemblies and setting the Government House, the Supreme Court of Justice and the Legislature on fire, while shouting "everybody out".
In other words, to defend the elementary right to have drinking water, the masses had to openly clash with the transnationals, their government and all the State institutions.
Life has dictated its verdict. The FIT-U's “anti-imperialist” struggle through parliament turned out to be a bluff. After threatening with the “mother of all battles” against the IMF on December 11, Del Caño and Bregman ended the year by supporting the increase in the Personal Property tax that Alberto Fernandez requested… to repay the debt to the IMF itself.
The struggle is class against class. To break with imperialism and expel the IMF, it is necessary to defeat the government, the bosses' politicians and the infamous regime of the oligarchy and the capitalists.
The conditions must be created for a workers' counteroffensive, uniting the self-organized workers, the piqueteros and the combative unionism with the unions and the popular assemblies of Chubut, in a National Assembly of employed and unemployed workers to confront the Fernandezes and the rabid anti-worker opposition, managers of Wall Street, who lead the attack of imperialism on the nation. The working class must regroup its ranks and generalize Chubut's way of struggle throughout the country.
This Assembly would gather the forces to defeat in the streets the union bureaucracy and the Social Pact that ties the workers to the government and the bosses' parties. The working class will only be able to lead the fight against imperialism if it openly breaks away with them shouting "everybody out."
In Jujuy (Northwestern Argentina) the FIT-U with Vilca is supported by the majority of the Jujuyan working class. A call to self-convene in assemblies and in a great provincial congress cannot be delayed any longer, not only to build there a bastion of workers' struggle but to weld unity with the workers of Chubut. They cannot be left alone when the Arcioni and Sastre police have begun a manhunt to imprison them for fighting. The militant trade unionism must put all their forces and lead the fight for their liberation.
The "green tide" policy against the IMF, which the FIT-U deploys, wants to make the working class believe that the "formal", partial democratic concessions (such as the right to abortion and the equalitarian marriage), wrested from the bourgeois Parliament, are equivalent to being able to also take measures that lead to breaking away with imperialism or the expropriation of the oligarchy, which are central tasks of the colonial and semi-colonial countries that can only be resolved with the imposition of the proletarian dictatorship.
The FIT-U with its "anti-imperialist" program copies the same one of Stalinism and its policy of class collaboration, which proposes confronting imperialism in a coalition with the "progressive" bourgeoisies. Against such a scam, we Trotskyists reaffirm the program of permanent revolution: only the working class, leading the exploited masses, will be able to free the nation from the yoke of Wall Street with the victory of the socialist revolution.
Twenty years after the revolutionary outbreak of 2001, the task of preparing a new Argentinazo is more relevant than ever. We must expell this anti-worker government and conquer, over the ruins of this infamous regime, a workers' and popular government of the self-organized and armed masses. Only such a government, in unity with the working class of the whole Americas, will be able to end the hunger of millions, because it will disavow not only the US$ 44 billion of "Macri’s debt" but the US$ 340 billion "debt" to Wall Street, expropriating transnationals, banks, the oligarchy and the UIA who stole US$ 400 million. In other words, breaking the nation's submission to imperialism and the IMF, without which there will never be bread or national liberation.
Argentina and Latin America will be socialist or a Wall Street colony.
Nicolas Crámer |