From the internationalist workers of Argentina to their fellow revolutionary workers in Japan
Letter to the JRCL-RMF:
Dear Comrades,
We are sending you this article we published in the face of the brutal attack by the imperialist employers of Toyota in Argentina, whose plant is located in Zarate, in the north of Buenos Aires province. Toyota, together with the government and the traitors of the bureaucracy is attacking our collective bargaining agreement and advances on a historical conquest like Saturdays as non-working day.
We are writing you this little note and sending you our complaints from exploited to exploited in the world. We know of the brutality of these imperialist butchers who in their country lead thousands of workers to death due to the hellish rhythms of production. At the Zárate plant during the pandemic, more than 1,500 workers got sick with Covid 19 along with our families and a workmate died months ago. We know of the insatiable thirst for profit of this murderous employer! Let's fight across borders comrades! The Japanese workers have the key to stop this attack on the semi-colonial world where these imperialist transnationals like Toyota super-exploit us, with wages that measured in dollars are extremely low.
We are sending you these complaints against Toyota in Argentina as it is our humble opinion that the Japanese workers' knowing how the imperialist bourgeoisie of their country acts abroad is of vital importance, because sooner or later the conditions that it imposes on the semi-colonial world will be imposed in the parent plants.
The working class fight is international and against the same enemy that wants to impose the "maquila" (sweatshops), such as those in Mexico or Southeast Asia, to all the countries where it is located, on the Japanese workers included, and you have the key to victory because you can attack them in the heart of their production. That's where we together can put our feet on their chests!
Let's fight across borders! The day we get rid of the traitors and we workers can unite internationally, we will be invincible. The same enemy, the same fight!
DEMOCRACIA OBRERA Workers of Toyota Argentina