Statement of the LOI-CI / Democracia Obrera of Argentina
The PASO of September 12:
A trap to strengthen the anti-worker government of the PJ and
the anti-worker of the PRO
Everyone defends the capitalists' profits
and the looting of the IMF and Wall Street!
In the Argentina of those below...
The high cost of living and unemployment
cannot be endured anymore!
The fight against the attack of the capitalists is here and now:
Out with the union bureaucracy!
National Coordination Committee
of the self-summoned workers and the combative piqueteros
The PASO (Primary, open, simultaneous and mandatory elections) trap and the November Parliamentary election will develop when almost two years of the Peronist government have been going on, supported and sustained by the union bureaucracy that surrender one by one the collective bargaining, the salary and the jobs of the Argentine working class. Along with the large employers of the UIA and the transnationals, the union bureaucrats are the true cabinet and "ministers without portfolio" of the anti-worker government of Fernández and Kirchner.
We are facing a government settling in this Social Pact, supported by the IMF, which the reformist left calls and treats as "progressive", and criticizes for being "inconsistent in the fight against the right." This is a fallacy and a real poison thrown into the conscience of the workers. The Peronist government is the representative and the guarantor of the profits of all the bourgeois gangs of the nation. It acts under the direct orders of the IMF and coordinates with it the best conditions for the super-exploitation of the working class. The PJ, the PRO and the anti-worker of the Rural Society are committed to pay with the hunger of the people until the last penny of the fraudulent foreign debt, as they already are doing and have done during the last decades.
This is a government of the capitalists, the transnationals, the bankers and imperialism that, by sinking the workers' salary and with almost 20% chronic unemployment and more than 5 million precarious workers, offers to the world capitalist economy an “Argentina maquiladora” with slave workers to start what they call“a new cycle of industrial production”. They do this supported by the nationalization and the extreme cooptation by the state of the unions, with the bureaucracy of the CGT and the CTA supported by a mountain of dollars to betray the working class. MISERABLES!
The PJ government didn’t touch the businesses, the interests, the super profits or a square meter of land to the oligarchy and the bankers, with whom it has very close ties in thousands of common businesses. For decades and decades, the oligarchy takes a fabulous agrarian income together with the transnational cereal companies. They have dollarized the price of food and all consumer goods of the masses. Given this, the government has only devalued the peso and liquidated the collective bargaining to guarantee the capitalists that they continue to accumulate huge profits, lowering the value of the workforce and its investment cost.
Meanwhile, the full weight of the economic crash and pandemic has been thrown to the masses. We are in the middle of one of the biggest economic and social crises in Argentina in recent decades, only comparable to the catastrophe of 2001 and '89.
Nothing different from the conditions of social crisis and economic crash that pushed the masses of Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador and even Cuba days ago -where the capitalist restoration is advanced-, to enormous uprisings and revolutionary uprisings against hunger and misery, against the IMF plans, imperialism and their sepoy governments.
The FIT-U and the NMAS: an electoral campaign that breaks with any policy of class independence
This is not just a fallacy. Telling the workers that there are "progressive" bourgeois bosses and governments, supported by the traitors of the union bureaucracy and the big bourgeoisie, is the way in which the parliamentary left seeks to integrate into the bourgeois regime as a "third force" that would supposedly fight accordingly. "against the right" of the PRO or Milei. This is what the FIT-U proclaims. Manuela Castañeira from NMAS calls this "renewing the left."
We are facing a social democratic left of the regime, which has abandoned any policy of class independence. Beforehand, in the middle of the electoral campaign and before millions of exploited, they announce that they have withdrawn from the fight to defeat the Fernández anti-worker government and the union bureaucracy.
Undoubtedly, the PRO and the anti-worker not only support, but will support this government in the face of any mass uprising. Meanwhile, beyond "cracks" and fights in the living room or for their businesses, everyone defends the profits of the capitalists and the looting of the IMF and Wall Street.
But the attack is here already! There are 2 and a half million unemployed, 6 million workers unregistered, the loss of 50% of the purchasing power of wages. This is the IMF attack that the Fernández government is already applying.
They are telling the exploited masses that the Humid Pampas and the richest and most productive lands in the country can be expropriated and recovered for the nation through parliament. They are affirming that with a pressure struggle on the Congress of the capitalists, the imperialist mining and oil companies can be expropriated, in order to break with imperialism and the IMF. This is an open lie and a deceit against the working class. Reformism has long since broken all ties with the revolutionary program. Those are tasks that only a socialist revolution can conquer, sending the rotten regime of the Constitution of 1853-1994 and the bourgeois state to the dumpster of history.
When the working class set itself that objective in the Cordobazo and in the 1970s, the ruling elites didn’t hesitate to dissolve Parliament and bring the generals' sabers to carry out genocide in Argentina.
As announced Castañeira, Bregman, Del Caño and Pitrola, the way is to fight like the “green wave”. This is a lie and an open policy of class collaboration. Or will they tell us that they will get deputies and senators with “sisterhood” from the bosses' parties to expel imperialism, expropriate the transnationals and the oligarchy? Stop lying. What that Parliament deserves is that the masses fight again as in December 2017, but this time not with 3 tons, but with 50 tons of stones, so that there will be no traces of this democracy for the rich and all its arch-reactionary institutions.
The left of the regime promises to confront the right, the oligarchy and the Rural Society, without calling for the expropriation without payment of all the land, from which the greatest wealth of the nation is extracted. They accuse the government of being frightened by Vicentín, but they are terrified of raising the demand for expropriation without payment of all the lands that the Argentine oligarchy usurped, to initiate a plan for agrarian recolonization. They keep silent about this, because for every Marxist this would mean the beginning of the civil war, because this can only be conquered with a revolution, with a triumphant Argentinazo (see box).
"Confront the right" without the method of proletarian revolution? Another lie and another deception of reformism.
Moreover, from the "Group of 6" (the Stock Exchange, the UIA, the bank, the Rural Society and the chambers of commerce and construction) that supports the Peronist government and the anti-worker opposition with which they did fabulous business, today they launch Milei to group the desperate middle classes ruined by the crisis, which tomorrow will be overturned with all force against the working class. Milei and his gang speak the language of crisis. They are a probe that the bourgeoisie has launched to explore the conditions to mount a proto-fascist movement. Does the reformist left want to confront this proto-fascist movement in gestation by putting "pressure" on the bourgeois Parliament? Fascism must be crushed at the first breath, before it arises. FIT-U and NMAS don't say a word about how to do this.
They proclaim themselves "anti-capitalists" but they hold and support the bourgeois government of Castillo in Peru, which they called to vote. They did the same with Morales' MAS in Bolivia and with Haddad-Lula in Brazil.
They proclaim themselves "anti-capitalists" but they support and group together with fractions of the Castro Communist Party that is selling worker and peasant Cuba out to the world capitalist system.
They proclaim themselves "anti-capitalists" to dispute the seats in Argentina, but in the French NPA and in the PSOL of Brazil, which openly support the bourgeois regimes, they are all together, as is the case of the PTS, the NMAS and the MST. Meanwhile, everyone in USA is supporting Sanders and Ocasio Cortez who supported Biden. "A wide left." proclaims Bodart and the MST in the FIT-U intern, as the PSOL does from Brazil. They are referring to: the social-imperialist wing of the Democratic Party of the US imperialism pirates.
The fight against the IMF and against imperialism is a revolutionary struggle of all the masses of Latin America, who will not be able to dream of liberating themselves if it’s not in an indestructible alliance with the workers of the United States. They hold the key to defeat the 1% of Wall Street parasites that plunge the entire world into misery. Of course, this reformist left of the Argentine bourgeois regime doesn’t fight at all from the electoral platform for the internationalist and anti-imperialist unity of the working class of our continent.
"Anti-capitalists"? Bullshit! Capitalism isn‘t fought without organizing or preparing the working class for socialist revolution. The "anti-capitalism" of the "New Left" is nothing more than a cover for new social democratic currents. This is what their campaign for being a "third electoral force" or "renewing the left" is reduced.
The FIT-U and the NMAS have long refused to use the electoral and parliamentary platform to organize a regrouping of the workers' ranks under a revolutionary program that prepares a new mass counteroffensive that leaves no stone of this government, this regime and this killer state.
They have isolated the struggling sectors of the working class and millions of unemployed, who are treated as beggars by the bourgeois state and a recalcitrant picket bureaucracy. They leave the self-summoned workers divided sector by sector who today face the traitors of the union bureaucracy, while they coordinate to "share" the seats. That is what his "unity" of the left is all about.
PASO 2021
Democracia Obrera position:
In Santa Fe and Chubut, we call to vote for Romero and Ruiz on the FIT-U lists
We Trotskyists call to vote for Sebastián Romero (former General Motors delegate, today a political prisoner) and Daniel Ruiz (former oil delegate prosecuted for fighting) on the FIT-U lists of Santa Fe and Chubut. It’s a vote of principle for the freedom of political prisoners against the bourgeois state.
The State of the exploiters has committed genocides and the most ferocious of bloody repressions against the workers and the poor people. Corrupt judges, direct agents of the capitalists, at every turn use repressive forces to attack workers' struggles, their mobilizations. With Berni, Patricia Bullrich's partner, they repressed in Guernica. With professional gunmen hired by the bosses, they beat up the workers in struggle at Penta meat packing, among others. Today they repress the teachers of Salta. The infamous regime and its bosses parties have covered up the murderous repressive forces of Santiago Maldonado, Rafael Nahuel and Facundo Castro.
The only “crime” that Sebastián Romero committed, like Daniel Ruiz, was to fight in defense of the rights of workers, retirees and all their claims. Today they are hostages of this infamous regime so that the working class doesn’t fight again like in 2017. That is the path that will have to be followed to stop the attack of hunger and misery that the Peronist government imposes today, supported by thugs and strikebreakers from the union bureaucracy.
The same general staffs of the transnationals, the oligarchy and the bankers who support the PJ and the PRO, allocate some coins from their succulent businesses to set up a proto-fascist movement that threatens to “burn down the Central Bank” and attack the hungriest layers of the masses. The revolutionaries, without doubting it, call on the working class to set up strike and self-defense committees, to develop and extend the movement of the self-convened and to re-conquer the unemployed pickets of 2001, to punish in the streets any attempt of the anti-worker of attacking the masses in struggle, to defend ourselves from the repressive forces and to prepare a new December 2017, to defeat the government and the bosses' politicians, whom we already kicked out once in 2001.
It’s a shame that the PTS and the PO have hidden Romero and Ruiz at the end of their lists, as substitute candidates for senator, from where they cannot lead the fight for the freedom of political prisoners, nor for the deprocessing of thousands of fighters persecuted, nor for the acquittal of the oil workers from Las Heras sentenced to prison and life, to whom the FIT-U didn’t give them a place.
We call for a vote for class independence to Política Obrera, the Tendency of the PO, throughout the country
Altamira and Politica Obrera correctly denounce that both the Fernández government and the PRO are preparing to apply the IMF's worst plans and to agree with it against the workers. This is correct and raises a line of class independence against the government and the bosses' parties. That is why we will call to vote for Política Obrera.
But we clarify that the pact of the IMF and the bosses' politicians has already been here for a while: from Congress, the PJ supported the Macri government in its worst attacks against workers, and today all together support Guzmán and the Peronist government in their agreement of hunger with the IMF.
The Fernández government is based on an increasingly Bonapartist regime that, according to Trotsky, has until the end nationalized the CGT, the CTA and all the unions and makes them function in fact as true ministers without portfolio at any attempt by the working class to stop the brutal attack it’s suffering today.
The surrender of the collective bargaining and salary and millions of jobs, have placed the bureaucracy as direct agents and have been integrated by the ruling elite as a true internal police that executes the plans of the capitalists, as human resources managers within the labor movement. And just like in the '90s, they have become a veritable corporate bureaucracy. This is what the Social Pact regime is all about and this is what speaks of the "strength" of the Peronist government.
Fernández and the PRO have long supported the union bureaucracy together, which are implementing the IMF's plans and using the Ministry of Social Development to contain the uprisings of the hungry. We cannot wait for the PASO and the November elections to end to regroup the workers' ranks against the fund-monetarist plan. It becomes essential for any revolutionary policy worth its salt today to put the electoral platform at the service of organizing now and without delay the response to the brutal attack from those from above.
It’s time to move from words to deeds. At this point regarding the use of the electoral platform, Politica Obrera has an enormous responsibility.
Very tough struggles such as that of health workers, port workers, shipyards, teachers from Salta, miners from Río Turbio, like yesterday from Arre Beef, Penta or for housing in Guernica, are being carried out, despite and against the union bureaucracy and in open struggle against the Peronist government and even outside the unions or sectional groups led by sectors of the left.
A new labor movement enters the battle facing the PJ government, which it even voted for them the last elections. It’s in the streets and in these combats that fringes of the working class, for now at the vanguard and at the forefront, begin to break with Peronism. We could see this in 2001, when the slogan “That everyone goes away and no one remains “openly expressed the break with all the bosses' politicians. Opening this process - which the FIT-U closed during all these years with an openly parliamentary policy - is the only firm and serious path towards class independence.
Despair today drives millions of hungry people to have to subsist on slave labor or to be led by the bosses' politicians and the "red caciques" of the left to beg for a tupperware with food and miserable social plans. These social plans were conquered by the labor movement in 2000, but as a consequence of an enormous struggle for decent work and in unity with the employed workers. The bourgeois state transformed these tactical conquests of mass revolutionary offensive decades ago into a strategic blow against the workers' movement: it divided its ranks between the occupied and the unemployed. They controlled an indomitable industrial reserve army that drove the Argentine bourgeoisie crazy during the 1990s, holding pickets, roadblocks, and fighting, as was done in Mosconi and Cutral Có, for decent work. Or directly taking factories that closed as in Zanon and Brukman, to put them to produce under direct workers' administration. The exploiters gave something not to lose everything, but those miserable handouts are not and cannot be the future that the Argentine working class deserves.
National Coordination Committee of the self-organized workers who face the union bureaucracy and the combative piquetero (unemployed) movement!
The task of the moment is to coordinate the movements of self-organized workers that already exist and fight throughout the country, in very tough isolated struggles, as we see in the teachers of Salta, in the Turbio River or in the port terminals, to give only a few examples.
Coordinate the already existing self-organized movements and call from the militant sectors of the working class to set up a movement of self-organization of the bases to break the siege that the union bureaucracy imposed on the workers to fight, it cannot wait, if what it’s about is to open a way to a decisive fight against the government and the regime.
Fighting to defeat the piquetero (unemployed) bureaucracy and its policy of pressure to distribute miserable coins and bags of food, which no longer allow the great hungry masses to survive, it becomes decisive in unifying the ranks of the workers and preventing capitalist bankruptcy from falling in full force on the shoulders of the workers.
We have to go from words to deeds. For this reason, from Democracia Obrera we call on Política Obrera to put all its forces and its electoral platform to develop the struggle to set up a Coordination Committee of self-convened workers and the combative piquetero movement.
We call on Política Obrera to put its forces at the service of this enormous challenge faced by the workers' vanguard. This is possible since they influence or co-direct important factories such as Acindar and are part of the Tire union, teaching sectors, the combative piquetero movement, etc.
In this struggle they will count not only with our vote, but also on all our forces in unity of action to fight together for this new regrouping that the working class needs to resist today and prepare a new mass counteroffensive.
This call, if made concrete by Politica Obrera, would be an enormous step forward and a revolutionary use of the electoral campaign and would mean taking the struggle for class independence to the end to open the way to generalize the self-organization of the working class to sweep the traitors of the union bureaucracy out of the unions and for the piquetero movement to fight again as it did with Aníbal Verón, Teresa Rodríguez, Maxi and Darío, for decent work and alongside the occupied workers.
The struggle for a National Assembly of employed and unemployed workers, which was conquered in 2001, is an objective to be achieved. The forces for this are already resisting and fighting. They have to be joined and coordinated.
Our critical vote for Política Obrera: the fight to break with the IMF and defeat the bosses' politicians is part of a common fight of the working class and the poor peasants of all Latin America and the workers of United States.
For an anti-imperialist and internationalist electoral campaign!
We call on workers to vote for Política Obrera, from our program of anti-imperialist struggle and for the socialist revolution.
The Politica Obrera leadership called to defend and openly support Pedro Castillo against Keiko Fujimori in Peru, as did the FIT-U. All these currents called to support Castillo (or to vote for him, as did the UIT-CI and LIT-CI), supposedly “against the right” that wanted to prevent his assumption as president. They raised this at a time when the transnationals, together with the US embassy, were preparing the script for him and setting up Castillo's cabinet. They lectured him on how to contain the rise of workers and peasants that led to a brutal revolutionary crisis and the outbreak of the Fujimori regime last year in Peru.
At every step the Latin American reformist left resorts to the perfidious policy of class collaboration in support of the “progressive bourgeois camps” that it inherited from Stalinism.
Today, as we write this electoral manifesto, this anti-worker government of Castillo has launched a savage attack and fierce repression against thousands of miners, who were fired by the Cerro Sac company. The national police violently attacked the miners and their families. Nothing different from what they have done for decades to successive governments of the Fujimori regime.
The support given to the bourgeois government, like that of Morales yesterday or the vote for Haddad "as the lesser evil" against the right, breaks and limits any policy of class independence in these legislative elections in Argentina. Hence, our vote for Política Obrera is critical.
We affirm that a working-class current can never vote or support any bourgeois party in the least, since, according to Trotsky, this means giving one's soul to the devil. It’s that the struggle and combat to defeat the IMF in Argentina will only be achieved with the exploited of our country fighting alongside the rebellious masses of our continent and standing alongside the North American working class. Neither with Castillo, nor with Lula, nor with the rigged and deceitful Constituents like the Chilean who only came to save the Pinochet regime.
We call on Politica Obrera to change that political course and to take a path that fights for the worker and peasant alliance throughout the continent against all the native Latin American bourgeoisies, against the farce and scam of the "Bolivarian Revolution" and for unity with the working class of the USA.
Our vote for Política Obrera is therefore a vote for class independence and in relation to this, we are willing to develop and propose the broadest unit of action both in the electoral campaign and in the very tough struggles, which today are isolated and surrounded by the traitors of the union bureaucracy and the repression of the bourgeois state. No petty and sectarian politics can prevent the establishment of this combative pole of action and struggle for class independence in the workers' movement.
We know of the enormous differences that separate us and separate us in the struggle to re-found the Fourth International, as well as those that separate us in the responses to the acid tests of the class struggle, as is the case of the Middle East, and the combat against Stalinism, supported today by the renegades of Trotskyism to contain the international proletariat.
But all this doesn’t prevent, we insist, a serious and common struggle for class independence, to regroup the workers' ranks and to unmask the open path to reformism and submission to the bourgeois regime that the FIT-U and the NMAS are trying to impose.
Likewise, the PASO, which impose a floor of 1.5% of the votes to be able to pass to the general elections, is clearly a proscriptive legislation, especially for new currents that claim themselves socialists that seek to gain a decisive weight in the masses and come up with their positions. It’s for this reason that we also call to vote for Política Obrera and we put ourselves at the disposal of the fight against the prohibition of the PASO that limits them.
In these PASO, we call to vote for Romero and Ruiz and to deepen the fight for the freedom of political prisoners, for the deprocessing of all workers and popular fighters, for the acquittal of the Las Heras oil workers and for trial and punishment of the murderers of Maldonado, Nahuel and Castro.
To fight for class independence, for an electoral platform at the service of coordinating the self-convened and the combative piquetero movement, to confront the bosses' politicians and the electoral trap, we voted for Politica Obrera, Tendency of PO.
National Committee of the LOI-CI / Democracia Obrera
After disorganizing and dividing the left wing of the working class in the struggles, the FIT-U takes a decisive step in its integration into the regime
Let's say the truth: the FIT-U has positioned itself as the left wing of Kirchnerism and all it does is to keep them away from the harsh resistance against the government and the Social Pact regime, and bring them closer to fraternizing with Peronism.
If for years the FIT-U was the expression on the electoral field (albeit reformist) of the left wing of the working class that gave a thousand battles, this is no longer the case. Tied to an incurable parliamentary cretinism, they were absorbed by the regime. They refusal to coordinate the struggles of the working class in recent years, led to tens and hundreds of cruel partial defeats to the working class. The FIT-U today, beyond the votes they get, will be the expression of loose votes from the loose left or disenchanted with Kirchnerism. But it’s no longer the political expression of the most fierce and combative of the working class, which it led to a dead end at the feet of the infamous regime of this democracy for the rich, that is, of the fiercest dictatorship of the capital.
Their parties, united only for electoral convenience and for positions in Parliament, in the workers' struggles have only managed to divide them and divide themselves, as is the case with the "Plenary of Combative Unionism" of the PO and the Socialist Left, against the collateral groups of the PTS. Or like it happened in the different struggles led by the different forces that make up the FIT-U.
FIT-U and NMAS use snippets of the Transitional Program
to justify their reformist policy
The FIT-U announces in their spots that it’s fighting for a salary increase according to the family basket and the reduction of the working day. This calls to conquer it with a law that would be granted by the bourgeois Parliament and with a struggle of the masses pressing on it.
This is a fallacy. Putting all the available hands to produce, distributing the working hours among all the unemployed, reducing the working day as much as necessary, with a decent salary that covers the family basket, is a task that will only be achieved as part of an offensive fight of the proletariat and as a result of a victorious revolution that conquers a workers' and popular government. We are talking about a direct attack on the property of the capitalists and imperialism, which can only be conquered, we insist, with a revolutionary victory.
Reformism has transformed into a minimum program the demands that push the working class to take power, giving the bourgeois Parliament the character of a neutral institution, and not as what it is: representative of the fiercest dictatorship of capital.
The reformist left affirms that by putting pressure on the bourgeois Parliament, this one can stop defending the interests of the capitalists and at times can defend "socialist" measures, of attack on the property of the exploiters. That is the pseudo-theory of old reformists from centuries ago, including Kautsky and Bebel of the German Social Democracy, and then Stalinism. This reformist program is also supported by Castañeira of the NMAS, despite the fact that she threatens to "renew the left." Old opportunistic potions shown as "new" and "saviors" to the eyes of workers. This is what the misery and deception of reformism is all about.
These people want us to believe that minimal and partial democratic concessions taken from the bourgeois Parliament, such as the right to abortion and equal marriage, or minimal demands achieved by this or that struggle for the masses, where the bourgeoisie is forced to give something not to lose everything is equivalent to also being able to start measures that openly attack the property of the capitalists. This is the old policy of Stalinism, which has already been tried. Today we could call "anti-capitalist struggle for the peaceful way", the policy that Castroism applied yesterday as the "peaceful way to socialism", which in Chile ended with a bloodbath by the Pinochet generals.
The "third force" that the FIT-U seeks to conquer is one more force within the bourgeois regime. NMAS doesn’t "renew the left" at all. Both only use remains of the Transitional Program to cover up reformism and their adaptation to the regime.
But the "bragging" of the NMAS, the FIT-U and the entire Argentine left ends when it’s time to propose the expropriation without payment of all the lands of the Rural Society and of the large ranchers and parasites of the oligarchy that together with the Imperialist cereal companies plunder the agrarian income, with which they could feed every last child in Argentina and achieve such an accumulation of funds as to solve the problem of housing and the life of the poor people.
The unresolved land question, together with national independence, are the central questions that every semi-colonial or colonial country oppressed by imperialism must resolve in order to get out of its prostration and backwardness. In this key issue of the revolutionary struggle in Argentina, the FIT-U plays hide and seek or they pretend to be distracted.
Grabois, a man of the Church, has "dared" to propose that it’s necessary to take small unproductive plots of the oligarchy, of a few pairs of hectares, to produce food. So he went looking for some oligarch who unhappy to make his experience of "agrarian popular economy" and fled like a rat to the first counterrevolutionary picket of the oligarchs and their thugs.
An absolute hypocrisy and absolute falsehood. Argentina produces food for 400 million people while the nation's exploited starve to death.
The reformist left raises the reactionary utopia that it is possible to break with the IMF and expropriate imperialism without a great continental struggle of the Argentine working class with the workers and peasants of Latin America, and our great ally, the North American working class. This would also mean openly confronting the “Bolibourgeoisies” and their scam of the “Bolivarian Revolution” that led to the worst defeats, hunger and misery for the workers and poor peasants who rebelled at the beginning of the 21st century throughout our continent.
Added to this is their cowardly silence before the oligarchy and the fight for the expropriation and nationalization without payment of all land areas of more than 200 hectares, put to work under workers' and popular plan of agrarian recolonization, expropriation without payment and seizure of all the imperialist cereal companies and nationalization of foreign trade. The maximum that these "brave anti-capitalists" come to is to raise some points to increase the withholdings on agricultural exports ... A kind of Kirchnerism with some degrees of fever.
The general staffs of reformism are "anti-capitalist" but they are not foolish, although they are politically cowardly. They know that Videla and Martínez de Hoz came from the heart of that murderous oligarchy. They look the other way, because only by disarming the bourgeoisie, destroying their state and their rule of domination with the proletarian revolution, will the great exploited masses be able to eat with dignity in Argentina and be owners and possessors of their natural wealth like the Humid Pampa, as well as minerals, oil, natural gas and even water, which are in the hands of imperialism.
The reformist left, hanging on the skirts of the bourgeois pseudo-parliamentary regime, doesn’t fight for the true revolutionary democratic tasks that Argentina must solve as a nation oppressed and plundered by imperialism. It’s that only with the victory of the socialist revolution and the imposition of a workers' and popular government, based on the organisms of self-determination of the masses, can these unfinished tasks be guaranteed to liberate the nation and for the people to eat and live with dignity.
For some time now, the FIT-U and the NMAS have given up the fight to prepare and organize, in the footsteps of the Cordobazo, the Coordinators of the '70s and 2001, the fight for a triumphant Argentinazo.
The struggle to set up a new revolutionary and internationalist leadership of the Argentine working class is inseparable from the fight to re-found Argentine Trotskyism and the Fourth International.
Meeting of the government, CGT bureacucracy and the "Group of the 6”
Finance Minister Guzmán with Georgieva,
head of the FMI
Argentina on December 18th, 2017
Sebastian Romero
Daniel Ruiz
Poster Campaign of Política Obrera (PO Tendencia)
Self-organized teachers of Salta in struggle
Protest of the unemployed workers in Puente Pueyrredon
December 20th, 2001
Fernandez with CGT bureaucracy
Berni evicting in Guernica
Colombia, street struggle against the government