November 30th MOBILIZATION AGAINST THE G20 IN BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA Out with Trump, Abe, May, Macron, Merkel! Imperialists, go home! The executioners of the workers and the peoples of the world gathered in the G-20 Summit deserved to be received with the general strike and with pickets in the streets. They deserved a new December 18 and 19, led by the working class. But Buenos Aires could not be the "hell" that the workers and youth of Hamburg organized against the G20 summit in 2017. When Macri’s government declared war on the workers, militarizing Buenos Aires with the CIA and the Mossad, with thousands of police officers and gendarmes in the streets, and with ships and planes from the Pentagon patrolling sea and sky, the triumvirate of the CGT, with Moyano and the CTAs, supported by the parties of the reformist left like the FIT and the MST-MAS, who lead the "combative" trade unionism as the SUTNA (tire union), oppositional teachers sections, etc., guaranteed an Argentina in "peace" to the cave of bandits called G-20. For the last couple of months leaderships have been throwing water into the fire of December 18 and 19; they have forced the working class to kneel before the parliament and the employers' parties. They left hundreds of workers struggles isolated, such as Siam, Canale, Rio Santiago Shipyard, Cresta Roja, teachers, and students. We had to respond to that class war declared by the government and imperialism, which took the lives of "Ronald" Orellana and Marcos Soria, as it had done with Santiago and Rafa, and for which the working class has hostages in prisons like Ruiz and the young anarchists, and persecuted as Sebastián Romero and Jones Huala! Buenos Aires, so far, has not became Hamburg or the Paris of the pickets and barricades against Macron, as it had been on December 18 and 19 fighting against the attack on pensions and labour flexibilization. The "hell" against imperialism and the lackey government of Macri remained pending. But the heat of the fire that ignites France today again flame will light the revolutionary struggle in Argentina and reformism, hanging at the foot of parliamentarism, will walk on thin ice. |