Argentina - March 2017
Between the huge teacher strike and rally of March 6 and the protest rally of thousands and thousands of women of March 8…
March 7: Rebellion of the rank and file workers of the unions
The workers make their way to respond to the brutal attack of the transnational corporations and the Macri government, supported by the Peronist movement and the trade union bureaucracy
Teachers do not give up and fight for their national collective bargaining and a living wage
Massive mobilization of women on March 8
Yes! This is the way! Out with the traitors!
Good for the comrades! Do not stop the rebellion of the bases against the collaborationist leaders ...
Thus, in the streets, the union bureaucracy can be defeated and the way is opened for the general strike!
In order to advance to the general strike, the union bureaucracy must be expelled from the unions. They come co-governing with Macri. The act of the Peronist fractions and the union bureaucracy was intended to cushion the clash of the working class with the bosses and to "stop" the struggles of the workers ...
Stop it! Now, the two CTAs call for the national strike for March 30 and the CGT does the same for April 6 ... The strike we need NOW to stop the attack of the government and the bosses and fight with the teachers joining our claims for decent wages, in defense of workers' gains and for jobs.
We have been already stolen the would-be general strike on March 6 and 7 ... and the teachers and the women's movement got fighting alone. The actions of March 6, 7 and 8 showed that an active strike of 48 hours could have been carried out to strike a blow to the Macri government of the transnational corporations. The General Strike we need now together with the teachers. General Strike right Now!
A single claim, the same struggle! As claimed by the CGT of San Lorenzo (Santa Fe province): $ 27 thousand pesos (USD 1800) monthly minimum wage, according to the minimum living basket and tied to inflation for the entire labor movement! Collective agreements must be respected! Disowning of any agreements signed by the trade union bureaucracy that sell out the workers' conquests!
No dismissal or suspension! Decent jobs for all! Nationalization without compensation and under workers' control of any factory that closes, suspends or lays off its workers! Sharing of working hours without wage-cut and one more shift in all factories to prevent suspensions and layoffs and bring in to production all unemployed workers! For a 6hs workday as in the subway! Stop unregistered work, everybody to permanent and registered payroll!
The government and the employers advance on the organization of the workers and repress and persecute all those who struggle; they want to impose the plan of the transnational companies. Down with the disowning of the leaders of SUTEF (tierra del Fuego Education Workers Union) and the CTA (services and state workers Central Union)of Tierra del Fuego! Do not remove the legality of AGTSyP (Subway and Tramway Union) and the Teachers’ trade unions! Absolution to the oil workers of Las Heras and the workers of Tierra del Fuego! Aquittal of the more than 7 thousand workers and popular fighters prosecuted or imprisoned for fighting for their rights! Freedom to Milagro Sala!
Assemblies by factory to vote on the strike, bring together all the claims in a sole list of demands and end with the collaborationist plant committees! National congress of delegates of the entire labor movement!
For a III National Piquetera (unemployed workers’ organizations) Assembly to vote the national strike!
Plan to fight right now! General strike!
What did the FIT do 7/3 in the act of the Peronists and the Union bureaucracy? If they had really wanted to “change the content” they would have taken the stage. Or would they? So did the base comrades of various unions and working class fighters.
The FIT leadership eventually agreed with the union bureaucracy on the spot, on a place near the Cabildo, while the union base was pushing the vanguard to take the stage and throw the bureaucracy out of there.
Was it an error of calculations or a deliberate policy of a left opposition to Their Majesty the Union Bureaucracy?
Open the way to the fighting battalions of the working class!
Unity of the workers ... and who does not like it: fuck off, fuck off!
Factory to factory, workers are responding to the government and bosses’ attack
Over 60 days fighting
See article
General Motors
Workers fight against suspensions and lay-offs
See article
Heroic fight of workers against bosses and UOM bureaucracy to keep their jobs
The real piquetero movement
takes the streets
See articles
Sancor - Charlone
The people rebel side by side with the workers to prevent the factory from closing
Workers stop outsourced labour
Fernando Legarreta,
shopsteward dismissed of SIDERAR |