Argentina - August 2nd, 2017
The electoral farce conceals a brutal attack on the workers and the people.
In the midst of the bankruptcy of the capitalist system
The imperialist pirates of the G20 declared us the war
As the workers and the rebellious youth in Hamburg did...
We must prepare THE HELL against the bosses and their politicians |
Two strategies for the labour movement
Resisting isolated sector by sector and factory to factory...
Or conquering a single set of claims and effective coordination of the ones who are fighting
See more |
Macri, supported by Kirchnerism, the PJ and the union bureaucracy, deepens its plans of hunger, slavery and nation’s surrender
Enough of electoral circus!
The Powerful come for everything
Layoffs, labor flexibility, high cost of living and the repression of those who struggle ...
Transnational corporations, banks and the oligarchy must be expropriated without payment and under the control of the workers!
The left has already its electoral fronts ... Thousands of them will give them the vote, but what we need to face the attack of the capitalists is a...
To defeat the union bureaucracy, conquer a plan of struggle and open the way to
Everybody out, nobody left!
Argentina will be socialist or a Wall Street’s colony.
The next August 13, PASO, the primary election of political parties to vote for their candidates for parliamentary elections in October will take place. The electoral campaign is in full swing. The real circus that wants to despise this infamous regime in which Macri and the employers' parties govern the service of Transnational corporations attacking workers' gains, condemning millions of exploited people to poverty and unemployment and repressing those who struggle.
In this regime, "democracy" is for the powerful: for the bosses, their politicians, Judges and repression forces. They have freedom and democracy to exploit workers, loot and plunder the Nation resources and are awarded by this government with withholdings and taxes exemptions such as mining, and agriculture, giving them millions of dollars as subsidies for imperialist oil companies, the leaders of oil wars in the world.
There is no more democracy for the poor people to whom their right to organizing freely to defend their rights, are denied. The working class and the exploited are proscribed day by day in this regime. Without going any further, the same PASO prevents those organizations that do not count with the resources of the great "apparatus" to reach the votes that the electoral law dictates, to be able to participate in the elections.
The attack on the workers is here!
At the G20 the imperialists gave the order to redouble the war against the exploited of the world...
The deception of bosses' politicians increases in the middle of the electoral circus. They beg the vote of the exploited with empty-handed promises while all together command a brutal attack on the exploited. Kirchnerism, the PJ and Massa act as if they were opponents , but the truth is that if Macri was able and is able to the attack the workers was because the governability the bosses' parties, like the FpV and the PJ gave the Government from the governorates, intendances, and even from the parliament. They all voted the anti-worker laws and the truce given by the union bureaucracy. Macri, Cristina, and all the bosses politicians are agents of Wall Street and come from the same sewer of this capitalist system.
Unfortunately, those currents that are claimed of the working class as the FIT and the Left to the Front, have been in this circus telling workers that with their vote and in the parliament the attack of the capitalists can be stopped and they can improve their existence. A vile lie!. Every worker must know that none of his conquests came from the hands of the bourgeois institutions as the parliament. They were all product of heroic deeds and fighting in the streets. Moreover, nothing that happens in the country is defined in that bandits ‘den at the service of imperialism. Every worker must know that what happens and stops happening in this country is defined in the 8 blocks of Wall Street and in the imperialist embassies behind the backs of the exploited.
With the electoral circus they want to hide the real Argentina in which the capitalists are leading fierce war against the workers. A war that Macri and the bosses politicians have discussed with their masters in the G20 and where they have defined a plan of labor flexibility for the whole American continent in order to transform it into true “maquila” with slave labor without any right to guarantee the transnational's businesses and the payments of the usurious external debts. The powerful comes for everything. In the midst of the capitalist crisis that does not give respite, the imperialist powers openly dispute the markets and the zones of influence leading to speed to impose the working class slavery conditions to reproduce their profits and impose their dominance. They have in their favor to have Imposed the genocide of the Syrian masses and the sell out of Cuba to capitalism with the PCC. Trump and US imperialism show their gunboats and threaten new massacres against the exploited in the Pacific and seeks to impose iron discipline in his backyard.
The left politicians do not agree the workers, who must vote for their candidates to organize and strengthen the fight against the bosses' attack and the plans of flexibilization that the government prepares to impose after the elections with the work reform while it has already begun applying. The same has been approved in Brazil, is attempted to impose in Peru and our country and began with the liquidation of the collective bargaining agreement in January and with the liquidation of labour negotiations with the decree of 21% imposed by the Government and guaranteed by the union Bureaucracy both the CGT and CTA. It started attacking the combative sectors of the labor movement and activism, the only way to take to to the end its slavery plans.
Of course, once the bosses' politicians finish counting the last vote and with their legitimized institutions with the electoral trap, they will deepen the attack on the workers and exploited, but the working class needs to organize its forces immediately before it is too late to defeat the plans of transnational corporations.
The electoral fronts of the Left are not for class independence,
neither are they socialist nor anti-capitalist...
The FIT and the reformist left proved not to be an alternative for workers. The working class did not bow down to the attack of the government and the capitalists. At every step they presented battle, tracing a path of 180 degrees of the policy and program of their leaderships with occupation of factories, strikes, pickets and even leading a great rebellion against the union bureaucracy that began on March 7th taking the stage of CGT Triumvirate, which ignited the signal of alarm of all the Argentinean bourgeoisie. The FIT far from putting itself at the head of this rebellion and putting all its forces at the service of centralizing it and coordinating the struggle of the workers to impose the general strike, it was a key factor in the division of the workers’ ranks. Not only did it refused to set up a fight coordinating committee of the sectors that during all these months resisted the attack, like the workers of AGR, UTA-Cordoba, Santa Cruz, Cresta Roja, Pepsico and a very long etc. But it broke with all the chances that the working class conquered its class independence by putting workers’ force to the feet of the institutions of the bourgeoisie like the Ministry of Labour and the Parliament, and even of the employer parties like the Kirchnerite.
The FIT has abandoned any class independence policy as we see in its policy on the struggle of Pepsico workers. Mainly from the hand of the PTS that led the fight to an alliance with Kirchneroite legislators and then the hand of their Deputies to vote in parliament with the bourgeoisie defending De Vido. In a clear policy of class collaboration, the FIT, and at this point nothing differentiates the Izquierda al Frente (MAS and MST), tells the workers that their allies are the Kirchner. A real scam. The allies of the workers are not the bosses' politicians. This alliance weakens the strength of the workers because it prevents the unity of their own ranks and the struggle for the expropriation of the capitalists. In their electoral campaigns they say that "Macri’s government must be punished in the elections", and as "the K are not consistent", so we must vote the Left. They are saying that the government is punished at the polls and that workers can solve their hardships also by voting within this democracy for the rich that is nothing but the sweet cover of the dictatorship of capital.
These are electoral fronts that have no traits of class independence nor are they are socialist or even anti-capitalist. Because they are not at the service of setting up the organizations of workers self-organization and on the contrary they make alliances with sectors of the bourgeoisie. They are not socialists because they do not call the Argentinean working class to confront the capitalist restoration commanded by the Castros, the new bourgeoisie of the CCP and imperialism in Cuba; and they turn their backs on the Syrian resistance and its revolution leaving the hands of Al Assad and Putin free -commanded by imperialist powers- to impose the worst of the genocides on the Syrian masses. They are not anti-capitalists either because they tell workers that they do not have to expropriate the capitalists to get their demands.
Enough of electoral circus and parliamentary lie! Let us prepare hell against the capitalists!
The way out is in the streets! For a Front of the Workers to unite and coordinate those who fight!
We socialist revolutionaries do not refuse to intervene in bourgeois elections; but we do it in order to develop the extra-parliamentary struggle of the masses, using the electoral and parliamentary tribune to call the working class to break with bourgeoisie’s institutions. We also put the campaign at the service of building the self-organizing organisms of the masses to unify the ranks of the working class and conquer the conditions for victory. The FIT refuses this policy and on the contrary it helps with the deception of the bourgeoisie saying that it is possible to change workers’ existence from the parliament. Nothing good for the working class will come from that cave of bandits as we are led to believe the smoke seller Left. 6 hours shift work and all our demands will be conquered as we did with the 8hs shifts; namely with General Strikes and the struggle in the streets of the world working class.
It is time to conquer the unity of the workers against capitalists’ attack. The struggle is in the streets and together with the whole working class that fights against the plan of the government and the employers' parties. Workers' organizations and militant workers must impose the break of the FIT with the bourgeoisie. There is still time. The currents that make up the FIT and the Izquierda al Frente (Left to the Front) are the native version of the New World Left, as Syriza and PODEMOS. They tell workers that it is possible to improve their living conditions without struggling to destroy the capitalist system. Its program is that this system can be reformed. As Greek rebel youth posed it "enough of the left-selling illusions". While bosses and imperialism speak the language of war, they propose to the working class to speak the language of peace.
The left has already conquered its unity in the electoral lists, now, we need a Front of the Workers to unite of immediately all the sectors in struggle like the workers of Santa Cruz who resist the attack of Alicia Kirchner, the drivers of the UTA-Córdoba persecuted by the state and the union bureaucracy, the workers of Pepsico, Cresta Roja, Atucha along with the picketer movement to set up a large National Congress of Occupied and Unemployed Workers with delegates with a rank and file mandate to vote on a single list of demands and plan of fighting to expel the union bureaucracy in the streets and conquer the General Strike to defeat the attack of the capitalists and Macri’s government. We must generalize and centralize the rebellion against the union bureaucracy and end the begging imposed by picketer bureaucracy to the unemployed workers! Let the revolutionary picketer movement and its program of 21 points of the North of Salta return!
A Congress to vote on a program that unifies workers' ranks. Down the salary top of the government and the union bureaucracy! Single national collective bargain and 47% increase for the whole labour movement! No more layoffs! Decent work for all! Re-opening and nationalization without compensation and under workers' control of Pepsico, AGR-Clarín and any factory that closes, suspends or dismisses! Reduction of the working day and one more shift in all the factories so that all the unemployed go to work! No to foreign debt payment! Out with TNCs and the IMF! Enough of repression and persecution to those who fight! Self-defence committees to defend ourselves against the repressive forces of the state and the thugs of the union bureaucracy! Freedom to Milagro Sala, Agustín Santillán and all political prisoners! Absolution of the oil workers of Las Heras and the workers of Tierra del Fuego! Drop all charges against over 7,000 workers and popular fighters!
The allies of the Argentinean working class are not the Kirchnerist bosses. They are the Brazilian working class and from the whole continent. The bosses are organized in the G20 and in thousands of meetings where they discuss how to multiply their profits over workers’ bones. We workers must join our fight over borders to defeat the MNCs plan for the region. It is necessary to centralize the struggle of the Brazilian working class that has carried out general strikes and revolutionary days against the labour reform of Temer; the huge indefinite strike of the teachers in Peru for over 40 days; the Colombian miners facing the plan of peace of Santos and the delivery of resistance by the FARC; the Mexican workers and the ones of Argentina in a single fight to return to the revolutionary path of the early XXI century, which was expropriated by the Bolivarians who are starving the Venezuelan people and that handed Cuba over to imperialism. For the unity of the Latin American working class and the American working class! Down with the scam of the Bolivarian revolution! Socialist revolution or caricature of revolution!
Macri the Temer and all the Bolivarians deserve this fight. The so-called "New Left" augurs years of peace and democracy, but ahead what comes, if the working class does not stop, is more barbarism and destruction. This is seen by the imperialist counter-offensive concentrated on the genocide of the Syrian revolutionary masses. There is no place to reform in the capitalist system. It must be destroyed by the socialist revolution. That is why we must retake the revolutionary struggle of 2001 and its victory by imposing the power of the working class and the exploited. For a new revolutionary and internationalist party of the Argentinean working class under the program of the Fourth International of 1938!
Workers do not vote for bosses!
Under these banners and this program, the internationalist Trotskyists of Democracia Obrera call the workers not to vote for our executioners and to vote critically for those currents that are presented on behalf of the working class in these elections as the FIT and Izquierda al Frente (Left to the Front). But fundamentally, we call on the workers to trust in their own strength and to conquer the unity of the workers' ranks to face and defeat the attack of the capitalists.
Democracia Obrera