Colombia - August 8 2022
With enormous betrayals and sell-out of our heroic revolutionary struggle by the union bureaucracies, upheld and supported by the pseudo-left of Stalinists and former Trotskyists...
On August 7, the new government of class collaboration is assuming, headed by the bourgeois Petro and his Pacto Histórico, after the uprisings of the working masses, the super-exploited youth and other popular sectors, following the path of the struggle of 2019, 2020, reaching its peak with the 28A strike in 2021. Great battles were led to defeat by the bureaucratic leaderships of the trade unions, including all those "progressive and democratic", who, with their myopic parliamentary vision, their policy of class conciliation and their pacifist methods, took the exploited struggle out of the streets who were fighting for better wages, decent work, health, etc. and they isolated the working class from the combative vanguard by not calling for a production stoppage, which was the carte blanche for the bourgeois regime to unleash a ferocious crackdown (assassinations, disappearances, mass incarceration of fighters) that continues until today, hidden by the media and with the complicit silence of the entire bureaucratic and reformist left.
This situation is just one more link in a chain of betrayals by these leaderships that subjected the heroic vanguard of the continent to the Stalinist policy of supporting class and bourgeois collaboration fronts, which led to repression, deaths in the streets, hundreds of comrades detained and worse conditions of hunger and misery.
The central axis of the new government is the policy of "forgiveness, national reconciliation", that is, the "fraternal embrace" between the exploiters and exploited, between victims and victimizers, which leads to placing the bourgeois state – as revolutionary Marxism teaches - above the two classes with antagonistic interests, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat; they are irreconcilable interests that under no circumstances can be reconciled.
The "good intentions" of Petro, a bourgeois who comes to fulfill the plans of imperialism as his predecessor, the Uribist Duque, did, far from solving the great ills of the country, the shortcomings of the masses, misery, and other social scourges derived from the capitalist system, will collide with a present and future historical reality: a deep world crisis, with a country in total ruin, a profound decomposition of all its institutions, a super-looted public treasury, a situation that leads us to affirm that his pretensions and his political project of supposed reforms is like putting varnish on a facade whose foundations are corroded from the inside and close to collapsing: the Pacto Histórico is like that bricklayer who deceives himself in the face of that reality and in order to maintain his privileges he deludes, lies and deceives the exploited, therefore his position is a thousand times more criminal.
Havana Pact: a reconciliation and peace pact between the graves of Cuban Castroism and the “Bolivarian” bourgeoisie, guarantor of the continuity of the Uribist regime.
Petro and his Pacto Histórico come to take these pacts to the end, which demobilized and surrendered the heroic and historical peasant resistance against the dispossession of their lands.
"The Havana Pact" (of the graves peace), has given free rein to the advance of the imperialist transnationals, in their voracity for appropriating the wealth of the land and controlling drug trafficking businesses, as profitable as the war, while thousands and thousands of peasants and social leaders are assassinated and entire communities displaced. This expresses the most terrible and brutal policy of dispossession and uprooting of the land, later legalized by the institutions, corrupt politicians, landowners and paramilitaries.
Also, the political proposal made by the bourgeois Petro of subjugation and demobilization of all the paramilitary groups, FARC dissidents, the pro-Castro ELN, and the redoubts of the EPL (Maoist), in addition to creating the best conditions for establishing a supposed "social peace" relegitimizes the regime, as well as its incorporation into state institutions. Today what remains of all these guerrillas, as well as the paramilitaries, are willing to sit down at a negotiating talk, which will mean that in the future any mobilization or protest will be repressed by a regime of full "democracy" and "peace"
The working class and the exploited cannot lose sight of the continuing and pseudo-reformist, deceitful character of the new government, which will have to implement the worst plans of hunger and misery due to the imposition of the IMF and the voracity of imperialism in the midst of its worst crisis and in the face of the inter-imperialist trade war for control of the markets, which becomes a matter of life or death for the very survival of US imperialism, establishing its hegemony that it will achieve only by crushing the rest of the imperialisms.
Colombia is one more link in the chain of imperialist domination. The visits of personalities and high-rank officials from US companies and high-rank government officials are the most visible sign of the priority that Colombia has as the US aircraft carrier in Latin America, with 9 gringo military bases directly led by generals of the Pentagon that confirm this thesis. The country is the central axis to settle the defeat of the workers and peasants' struggles in its backyard, which will allow imperialism to have green light to concentrate its war power and consolidate its hegemonic position in Europe, with the destruction and partition of Ukraine and thus culminate its siege of Russia, and reach first to the Pacific, Japan and China, thanks to the treacherous role of the pseudo-left.
We are emphatic in affirming that historically Stalinism carries the biggest responsibility in the betrayal of the thousands of combats of the exploited in Colombia and around the planet, when in the Yalta pacts Stalin swore to the imperialist powers that he would prevent proletarian revolutions and that to this day, with the support of the renegades of Trotskyism, they have led the workers to barbarism, the counter-revolutionary war and greater misery.
But the working masses have not been defeated definitively, on the contrary, they wage battles against the exploiters, as evidenced in the recent and fierce combats of the working masses and poor peasants in Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia; such struggles dislocated the foundations of those bourgeois regimes. Imperialism and the native bourgeoisies took careful note of this and prepared their counteroffensive, hence the shift in their policy is expressed in the fact that “democratic” “progressist regimes” flourish like mushrooms after the rain, that is, popular fronts of class collaboration in Latin America, a formula that will also be applied soon in Brazil with Lula.
The time has come to tell the truth to the working class in the face of so much ignominy and betrayal by the leadership of all the trade unions and the pseudo-left... enough lies.
As internationalist socialists, we raise the following 5 programmatic points as an inalienable flag, in the face of the reformist wave in Colombia and Latin America in general, calling on unions, worker, student, peasant, indigenous and black organizations to fight for these demands, and that they desist from supporting this government of the capitalists and imperialism seeking to sugarcoat it and dress it up as progressive. To return to the path of 28 A and lead it to victory:
- For an agrarian reform that expropriates the landowners and imperialism, for the restitution of the millions of hectares seized by blood and fire from the peasants, blacks and indigenous people.
- Expropriation without compensation and under workers' control the banks and transnationals that robbed and looted the nation.
Out with imperialism! Out with the IMF!
Expropriation without compensation and under workers' control of Chiquita Brand and all the transnational agribusinesses to recover the land usurped by the oligarchy, hand it over to the peasants and to state production to obtain cheap food and for the people to eat.
For one more shift in all factories and workplaces so that all available hands can go to work. Cut down working hours without salary reduction, with a living wage indexed with inflation
- Immediate Seizure of the assets of all the political accomplices and partners in the imperialist looting Colombia.
- Dissolution of the caste of murderous judges, officers and the military. To stop the massacre, let us set up a fighting organization of workers, peasants, students, and rank-and-file soldiers, arming the people and disarming their murderers.
OUT WITH THE US BASES IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE NATO BASE IN MALVINAS! NEITHER FORGIVE NOR FORGET! Trial and punishment of the assassins and mass murderers. For Workers and Popular Courts to judge and condemn all those responsible for the massacre of the workers and youth vanguard and of the thousands of murdered social leaders.
- We call to set up an International Committee of Workers and Peasants Organizations of the entire American continent, to centralize the anti-imperialist struggle of the masses of the oppressed nations and together with the workers of USA TO GET JUSTICE ONCE AND FOR ALL BY SURROUNDING AND EXPROPRIATING WALL STREET BANDITS CAVE
- Let us conquer a Government of Workers and Peasants based on the organisms of worker and peasant power, with delegates who can be recalled at any time by their voters from the factories, the countryside, and the popular neighborhoods. An organization where the exploited self-organize and take into their hands the executive, legislative and judicial power.
Grupo Comuneros
Petro in a meeting with the criminal “paraco” Uribe
Meeting of military and members of ESMAD in support of Petro
Boric and Petro
The new composition of Petro’s bourgeois governments
So far, the ministerial appointments of the next cabinet give us a clear idea of what this next government will be. It will keep old figures of the rancid traditional bourgeoisie who have distinguished themselves for being faithful and servile subjects of imperialism; e.g., the future Minister of Economy José Antonio Ocampo, a proven man of confidence of imperialism after being a high executive of the ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America), Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, professor at the University de Los Andes, where the children of the big bourgeoisie study.
Ivan Velasquez Gomez, the next Minister of Defence, is a faithful representative of the Colombian corrupt justice and a strong man of the Supreme Court of Justice who hold the office of the director of the Commission against corruption and, in the performance of his functions, high government officials were imprisoned in an operative in order to clean up the image of the Guatemalan corrupt regime.
What can the Colombian people expect of the future Minister of Foreign Affairs Álvaro Leiva Duran? He is one of the most important bourgeoisie negotiators of the peace treatments in the 90s and in the negotiations of La Habana with FARC and now, cynically, he affirms that the rotten bourgeoisie must judge the fighters of 28A, which constitutes itself a clear precedent of the continuity of repressive apparatuses and judicial institutions that maintain more than 150 comrades detained without including dozens of missing, injured, maimed and raped women who continue claiming justice.
The new Minister of Agriculture, Cecilia López, belongs to the old liberal caste, a traditional bureaucrat, who had the position during Samper’s government, the period that has more dispossession of land by the regime and paramilitaries from poor peasants; as former director of ECLAC, she was characterized because of being the strongest voice in her party in main points as the foreign trade policy, particularly the Free Trade Agreement with the USA.
As a Minister of Labour, Gloria Inés Ramírez was appointed, the quota of the Communist Party. She is a former leader of the CUT and Fecode, and former senator for the Patriotic Unión and the CP.
As a Minister of Culture, it was appointed another quota of the Communist Party, Patricia Ariza Flore, an artist and professor at the National University, with a Ph.D. from the University of La Habana.
For all of the above, we consider that Petro and his Pacto Histórico is a class collaboration government that comes at the more opportune moment to save the Habana´s agreements, torpedoed and blocked by war policies and fiercely repressive of the previous far-right governments of Uribismo that represents the more retarded and servile bourgeoisie strata in its whole, of which Uribe is its best representative. |
Petro: a faithful representative of a “New Gringos Left” lackey of imperialism all across the continent
The new popular front government, burying the struggle that made the bourgeoisie regime tremble, seeks to be and becomes the secure guarantee of continuity of the business of transnational corporations which plunder our resources; they are also saving the property of the exploiter bourgeoisie which suffered panic with the tsunami and hurricane of the popular struggle that threatened their interests as an exploiter class. Thus, the pseudo-left cleans up the image of the narco-paramilitary regime of bandits and looters, leaving the country completely ruined, and legitimizing exploitative institutions to give continuity to pillage.
Consequently, we have to expose those conceptions that revolutionary Marxism labeled as so-called progressive fields, democratic bourgeoisie, humanity state, and national unity. That means posing a revisionist policy that pretends to seed on the oppressed brains the fallacy and lie of forgiveness, the forgetfulness of all the abuses, crimes and atrocities committed by the rasping exploiter bourgeoisie against workers and poor peasants for more than 200 years of capitalism existence, an antagonist class regime. This is one of the vulgar misinterpretations with which liquidators of Marxism, revisionists, social democrats, and national-Trotskyists, have hidden their traitorous policy and justify the defeats of the thousand of struggles that workers and poor peasants have waged and with this they give them a survival, injecting fresh blood into the dying, decrepit and rotten capitalist-imperialist system, being their main support.
We have almost denounced the way they imposed the scam of the Pinochetist Constituent Assembly which today is voted in Chile and they supported the Stalinist Boric, who was the first meeting Biden behind closed doors in the Summit of the Americas in order to tell him that he is welcomed to finish the pillaging of the oppressed country and doing succulent business.
They supported the bourgeois Castillo in Peru and Morales in Bolivia, who ended up with a fascist putsch commanded by Añez in 2019, and they continue doing the same with Arce and the MAS bourgeois. In Argentina, they fraternize with the bourgeois government of Fernandez who is sinking the Argentinian working class with an infamous social pact with the business union bureaucracy, the church, and capitalists, with thousands of unemployed and workers who are starving and have become state beggars who collect miserable subsidies that administer currents who define themselves as Trotskyist as “Partido Obrero”
In Brazil, they call to vote for the bourgeois front of Lula-Alckmin, as the “anti-capitalists” of PSOL, while LIT-CI calls to vote for its own candidates in the first round because of, as they did in the last election, voting for Lula in the run-off. Related to LIT, there is not a surprise, because PST (its party here in Colombia) has recently supported Petro as it did in 2017.
Using the same excuse of not supporting the right, they subordinate the working class to their “democratic” and “progressist” executioner so that then fascism comes and crushes us. To this perfidious Stalinist policy, the ex-Trotskyists who have long given up on the IV International, have joined. |