Argentina - 19 de abril de 2024
Statement of the LOI-CI / Democracia Obrera, member of the Collective for the Refoundation of the Fourth International / FLTI
In the country of cows and wheat... hungry workers and exploited, and as if this were not enough, tens of thousands of lay-offs.
Milei and all the bosses' parties received the order from General Richardson, USA Ambassador Stanley and the great slavery bosses
Wall Street is coming for our gas, lithium, agribusiness and all minerals with enslaved workers in real maquilas.
And now, they are going for the destruction of the free public university
Peronism wants Milei to reach the end of his term… (hoping to recover their popularity by contrast). Either with “opposition” verbosity or hiding under the bed, they support him.
We can't take it anymore!
Enough of the truce!
Enough of the starving collective bargains!
Enough of collaborationist union leaders!
Open the road to assemblies, open the road to self-organization!
National command of struggle of employed and unemployed workers!
Open the road to worker-student unity!
Every day a blow to the chest against the working class.
They are advancing against the Chubutazo fighter comrades like yesterday they did against Las Heras oil workers. They have advanced against all the oil workers and thousands have been forced to stay at home furloughed, receiving only a percentage of their salary. But... what about the UOCRA construction workers, who have term contracts? They are given the unemployment card and told to fend for themselves.
The comrades from the cooperatives who work in public facilities such as schools and hospitals are receiving miserable salaries, which are now on arrears, while thousands of state employees both under agreement and with a periodically renewable contract are left directly on the street withow their redundancy payment.
The whip of the capitalist attack is uniting all the exploited in an unprecedented suffering.
The union and piquetera bureaucracy is on all fours and under the bed... they call for a march on May 1 and a strike... for May 9!...
And what do they suppose we eat today? And tomorrow? And from here to 9M? And after 9M?
The metal workers have stood up!!! That is the central battalion of the Argentine workers, but the union bureaucracy of the UOM (Metalworkers Union) separated branch 17 from branch 21 of the steel workers. Thus, they divided the struggle and made the worker base of the same union fight separately. The result? The minimum monthly wage for metal workers is 590 thousand pesos (around usd 675), 30% below the poverty line. The steel workers, who have not had an increase since November of last year! are still waiting.
The UOM local of Villa Constitución (siete of the largest steelworks) bureaucrats launched the shortest indefinite strike in history as it ended up lasting only a couple of hours, and then lifted it without a gain. This happened while there are already thousands and thousands of workers laid off in steel and metalworking industries throughout the country.
UTA (Short and long distance Bus workers Union) workers are still waiting to receive the recently signed collective agreement salary increase. Railway workers are fighting against layoffs. The UOCRA workers, laid off by the thousands, demand a public works plan.
In automotive companies such as Toyota and Renault, “voluntary retirements” have already begun, which are actually covert layoffs, and when not, there are direct layoffs, starting with those with Term contracts and then moving on to permanent workers.
In the tire industry, the big imperialist employers are firing workers, as is happening at Pirelli (which concentrates rubber, metal, chemistry and plastic workers), to undermine from within the fight for a salary increase that the union is preparing to give. The employers allege that there is an economic contraction due to the decline in car sales and by blackmailing them with layoffs, they threaten to take revenge of the last year collective bargain conquests by the workers' struggle.
The CEOs of Techint that are now working as Minister and Secretaries in the Ministry of Labor say that the increase achieved by the truck drivers in their collective bargaining is an “exaggeration”, although it continues running behind inflation and is very far from a minimum, living and mobile wage according to the market basket.
The attack on public universities, which is paralyzing studies and research and highly complex hospitals, only seeks the privatization of higher education. While subsidizing private primary and high-schools, and sub-funding public schools at all levels and public universities, what they really do want is deepening the budgetary suffocation of universities to tariff them so that workers' children end up being left out and behind.
The union leaders of the CGT and the CTA, like the university rectors, try to ride on the demands and partial struggles of the workers to control them and prevent a generalized outbreak of masses and a revolutionary General Strike... A new 2001. For if there were a new 2001, Milei would not last even 24 hours and the thieving scoundrels of the IMF and the big bosses who gathered in the Llao Llao Forum (that became rich at the expense of the state that subsidized them all their lives and by the flight of dollars from the looting of the nation) would have to pay for the crisis that they themselves caused.
In Argentina and throughout Latin America, imperialism Is redoubling its offensive for grabbing the natural resources
It does the same through Zionism guarding in the Middle East its oil companies that are looting the region oil.
Milei's pro-Zionist and pro-US government is deepening the repressive protocol and wants to be the protagonist of the genocide of the Palestinian masses together with the Fascist State of Israel. He has just bought 24 obsolete planes for 600 million dollars so that the arms manufacturers can profit, while the workers and retirees of Argentina are dying of hunger.
The Milei government is shielding itself with the excuse of the danger of terrorist "attacks"... that is, it shields itself for deepening the war against us because the current situation in Argentina is no longer bearable. His support for Zionism-made Palestinian Holocaust in Gaza is nothing more than a war proclamation of how far he is willing to go in Argentina and alongside USA throughout Latin America.
That is why the Peronist party is hiding under the bed: they have the same bosses, Ms General Richardson and the US ambassador Stanley, whom everyone of them all (including the union leaders) visits to ask for instructions. All boss politicians are under the orders of US viceroy Stanley.
In Argentina and Latin America the battle of the Middle East is also being fought against USA and Zionism.
In Latin America, after enormous revolutionary offensives such as in Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Colombia in 2019-2022, the reformist leaderships, the Stalinist currents and the union bureaucracies of all colors and skins surrendered those fights and have provisionally returned the control of the situation to the bourgeoisie that they call “democratic” and “oppositionist”.
The greatest tragedy is the surrender of Cuba to imperialism and the capitalist restoration imposed by the nouveau riche of the Cuban Communist Party, ruining the island and starving and beating the rebellious workers to death.
There you have the government of Boric and the Chilean Communist Party holding by means of the bayonets of the Pinochetist generals the same economic plan that Milei and Wall Street want to apply in Argentina today, finishing the unions, privatizing all state companies and public education while imposing unrestricted free trade conditions and even allowing US military bases to enter.
Milei's model is the Chilean model, imposed by iron and fire by the Pinochetista generals and today administered by Boric's pro-Gringo left!
Likewise, Lula from Brazil, Arce from Bolivia and Petro from Colombia have sworn loyalty to Wall Street, and while the USA use them as “squeezed lemons” to attack the people, as they did with the Fernandezes government in Argentina, they are preparing new counterrevolutionary coups in Latín America.
The USA are coming for everything. In its bankruptcy and its crisis that hit the entire planet in 2008, iUS imperialism seeks to rebuild its hegemony in the world market in the face of imperialist competition.
USA is going through the Middle East with its fascist lackey, Zionism, and with an aggressive policy on the Pacific.
This is what Milei is about: he is the figurehead of the government of the CEOs of the large transnationals and the US embassy.
Neither with the judges, nor with the Parliament of the rich, with secret negotiations, or with “May pacts” with the governors of the provinces… the imperialist and capitalist offensive could only be stopped by a revolutionary mass struggle.
They will only give up something if they see that they risk losing everything.
The contradiction for the masses is that the great worker and peasant uprisings in Latin America and the hard struggle of the US American workers, who today lead the fight against the genocide imposed by Biden and Netanyahu in Gaza, are not coordinated or centralized at the continental level.
If Milei is with Biden and Zionist fascism massacring in Gaza, the Argentine working class must stand alongside the US American working class, whose soldiers even immolate themselves in solidarity with the martyrdom of the Gaza masses. Working class and students that surround the Capitol and threaten to paralyze the US war machine as they did yesterday when Vietnam. Our allies are there.
The Peronist union bureaucracy has a stain on its forehead, the samevas the PJ: they are servants of Viceroy Stanley.
They are with Zionism and Genocide Joe as well as Milei. They support their massacre in Gaza and the state of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian nation.
The Palestinian unions in Gaza call for a global general strike on May 1 against the genocide by Zionism.
Let us vote in assemblies in the factories, in the unions, in the student organizations, in the unemployed movement, that this May 1 we will stand alongside the martyred workers and exploited of Gaza!
Enough of the union bureaucracy, lackey of Biden, Netanyahu and other murderers of the Palestinian people!
This May 1st: for a day of workers, socialist and internationalist struggle together with the Palestinian masses of Gaza! Today's Chicago martyrs are dying there.
The FIT-U must put its forces to organize a revolutionary counteroffensive of the working class
Unfortunately, the union work of the FIT-U Is revolving like currents of pressure on the union bureaucracy, which they want to “push towards the left”…
They are not organizing a great battle like the oncoming one of the SUTNA (Tire Workers Union), that should be concentrating all the forces of Combative Unionism there.
Some currents such as the PTS have transformed their party branches into “popular assemblies”, inventing that they are as those of 2001, and dreaming of transferring the experience of the fight for legal abortion(the so called “Green Tidal Wave”), where a very important, but minimal, democratic task was disputed, to the fight for defeating imperialism in Argentina. Such a titanic task cannot not be fulfilled by a “green tide”, but by the revolution… That is achieved going all the way with the methods of the so called “Peronist resistance” of the 50-60s, the Cordobazo or the 2001 incomplete revolution, whose tasks were left unfinished.
The policy of the FIT-U boils down to being a pressure group on the Parliament of this rotten “democracy for the rich” and on the union bureaucracy.
The unemployed movement received a hard blow, but hunger is deepening. It's no longer about asking for alms; It's about eating and being alive. This was understood by thousands of unemployed people and members of cooperatives who marched to Caputo's gated community so he can hear that with the people dying of hunger there will be no peace. The thing is, without justice, there will be no peace.
The way is to achieve an independent proletarian strategy.
The immediate task is to conquer a:
Congress of employed and unemployed workers together with the rebellious student movement that is beginning to stand up
Until now, there has been no attack that was not responded to by the masses.
But the bureaucracy is currently which sets the calendar to decompress and disorganize the offensive of those below.
They claim to lead the federal march on April 23 along with the university rectors, but it is only to ensure that a Cordobazo-type student movement does not break out.
They are calling for a strike on May 9, when all collective bargains have already closed below inflation.
The working class must set up organizations of self-determination, coordination and direct democracy in order to overcome the union bureaucracy in the course of the struggle, or the latter will waste the enormous energies of the masses, leaving hundreds of scattered conflicts. They do this under the umbrella of bourgeois justice that guarantees them to manage a fortune that comes from workers’ contributions to the Union Health System
There are already 3 million new poor added in the last three months. The Massa-Fernandezes government left 40% of the working class working unregistered and with a monthly wage of 290 thousand pesos (around usd 332). Another 15%, about 2 million workers, pay themselves the social salary and health care with the monotax, which is nothing more than a hidden unregistered job. Millions of retirees are less than surviving. Their pension allowance is at the level of indigence.
With pressure fights, what do they hope to achieve? We must tell the masses the truth: the government, big businessmen and imperialism have declared war on the workers and are coming to colonize the nation mercilessly.
Faced with this brutal attack, the working class has neither the organizations nor the leadership capable of responding to the war declared by the exploiters.
The current crisis of the working class is the disgregation of its ranks. It is directly proportional to the betrayals that the union bureaucracy imposes every day. The bureaucrats are supported by a tiny sector of the working class that surpasses the poverty level, but this will be for a short time. The income tax will be restored, and Moreover, due to the rapid increase of the fees inflation will not be reduced, but rather the government will once again devalue the dollar and sink salaries even further.
For a program of worker and popular demands at the level of the attack of capitalists and imperialism!
Stop begging for alms in the collective bargains, following from behind the inflation that sends the working class and their families to the cruelest deprivation!
The minimum demand cannot be other than: a minimum, living and mobile wage, as the oil-mill workers say, of 1 million 300 thousand pesos (around usd 1490) monthly for everybody in the entire labor movement!
Against the separation of demands, a single national collective bargain!
No more layoffs! Reduction of the working day and distribution of the working hours so that everyone can go to work!
Nationalization without compensation and under workers control of any company that closes furloughs or fires!
The ports, lithium, gas and the immense lands of the parasites of the oligarchy must be nationalized under workers' control and without compensation!
No more trade secrets! There is enough money! Workers’ control of production!
The student movement must lead the fight in defense of public, state and free education and university autonomy:
For a university at the service of workers and the people! For a tripartite government of students, teachers and non-teachers, with a student majority!
No subsidies for private education! Progressive taxes on large fortunes! Finish the super-salaries of the judges. Enough of the military budget and for the repressive forces. Money for education, health and public works plan now!
We must break with the IMF!
Workers control of the companies of the 100 parasites gathered in Llao Llao Forum! They are the ones who evade taxes, do money laundering and speculation and fly their dollars abroad to off shore paradises and have generated the fraudulent and inflated foreign debt that the people must pay. They are the ones who made their fortune with the state's money and with their privileged businesses, as they do today with Vaca Muerta shale basin and our northwest provinces lithium and yesterday they got rich with Videla and Martínez de Hoz dark businesses. Trial, punishment and jail for the thieves and looters of the people and the nation!
These should be the minimum demands to unite all the claims. For an immediate list of demands to prepare a 48-hour general strike to expel from the country the Mileis, the Stanleys and all of the Biden and Netanyahu's servants.
Out with the dirty hands of the capitalist state of the workers' organizations!
Down with the Law of Professional Associations!
The government and the state do not discuss or regulate employers' organizations such as the UIA, the Rural Society, the banks, nor the Stock Exchange, or the Chamber of Commerce. Then, the bosses’ state does not have to interfere in the unions and labor organizations. It does this through the Law of Professional Associations that allows the state to regulate the life of all unions and also let's the employers to influence them.
WE WORKERS ORGANIZE OURSELVES AS WE PLEASE, as our assemblies resolve. We elect our delegates and control our unions.
The state intervenes to buy the leaders who defend the capitalists' businesses with the compulsory discount of union dues and letting them manage the unions health care. And now they want to intervene in our affairs by dissolving the unions in the practice, allowing the bosses to reach agreements by company and even by individual, making the capitalists impose a fierce labor reform. We can't allow it! These are the two ways the bourgeoisie is discussing today to fully attain their dream of an Argentina maquila of enslaved workers.
Open the road to the self-organization of workers!
Out with the hands of the capitalists and their state from the unions and workers' organizations!
The government starves millions, lays off wildly, calls for dollars to be fled abroad and is under the orders of the US embassy and a handful of big capitalists...
Out with foreign agent Milei!
We must expropriate the people's expropriators!
We must regroup the ranks of workers and unify and coordinate the struggles!
The current situation can't be taken anymore! The masses want to fight; the leaders want to “regulate” the offensive of those below and end up dividing and wearing down the struggles.
A new program and a new independent proletarian strategy must be put in place, to set the working class up on its feet for fighting and succeeding.
In '68 the universities of France were occupied and the working class went on a revolutionary general strike and defeated the government of the French imperialist republic.
In the Cordobazo, surpassing the traitors of the union bureaucracy, the “classist” workers and the rebellious student vanguard won the streets and with a revolutionary struggle put the Onganía dictatorship into a serious crisis.
General assemblies by College! Student committees of struggle by region and at national level!
Open the road to revolutionary worker-student unity!
We must fight like in the Cordobazo!
Out with all the bosses' politicians! All of them, more or less critically, are co-governing with Milei through their provincial governors.
There you see Scioli, Kirchner's candidate in 2015 to defeat Macri, who today is in Milei’s cabinet.
Governor Kicillof administers the Argentina of Milei's starvation in the Province of Buenos Aires. Here and there he seems to growl against the central government, but the starvation wages, the misery, the increased cost of transportation and the sky-high prices in the province are not at all different from those in the rest of Argentina of the great capitalists of the Llao Llao Forum and the IMF.
Before it's too late: we must stop the repressive forces and the new protocols fictated by USA and the big capitalists to repress the people! Those at the top want to create the conditions to fill the streets of the country with working-class blood and we must not allow it.
Down with the protocol of Bullrich and the US embassy!
Self-defense committees!
Dissolution of the repressive forces!
We must oppose Class War to the war that Milei and the capitalists have declared on us!
Let those at the top pay for the crisis!
The unity that the Argentine working class needs is with its brothers, the anti-imperialist workers and peasants of Latin America, and with the workers and youth revolted in the United States against the massacres that US imperialism and Zionism are committing against the Palestinian masses.
Argentina will be socialist or a colony of Wall Street!
Editorial Committee of Democracia Obrera