Argentina - April 18, 2023
The Head of the Southern Command of the Pentagon again in Argentina...
Out with Richardson murderer!
Gringos out of Argentina and Latin America!
General Richardson, Head of the US Pentagon's Southern Command, is in Argentina.
She is the new viceroy of the Río de la Plata. The organizer of the coup in Peru and guarantor of the looting of Latin America with the US Fourth Fleet.
The murderer of the more than 80 people in Peru, siblings of those who fell at the hands of the paramilitaries and the Esmad in Colombia, of those murdered by the states throughout Latin America.
She is the chief to whom all the governments and generals of the armed forces of the continent report to.
Before her, all the politician bosses of Argentina have kneeled, from Kirchner to Milei. The PJ, supported by the PRO-UCR, hands over lithium, minerals and Vaca Muerta to the US, while paying off the external debt with the hunger of the people, plunging more than half of the exploited into misery through inflation.
The 6 large employers' chambers meeting today in Llao Llao -under the direction of Wall Street- have already "dynamited" our wages and jobs, together with the scabs of the union bureaucracy, friends of Ambassador Stanley.
Now they are coming for more and it will not be peaceful. The militarization of Rosario, the Gendarmerie deployed in the neighborhoods of Gran Buenos Aires and the actions of proto-fascist groups against the houses of leftist parties are just the beginning.
Only the working class can stop them, leading the impoverished middle classes, with the method of the socialist revolution and the nationalization without compensation under worker control of lithium, Vaca Muerta, the banks and monopolies of Wall Street and the lands of the oligarchy.
Weeks ago, our sibling workers and peasants in Peru showed us how to confront imperialism, responding to the coup of the US and Boluarte with the revolutionary general strike and the struggle committees.
The FIT-U is far from preparing the Argentinean and Latin American workers for this fight. All they are care about is the electoral race in Argentina. They did not make a single call to the workers to carry out strikes, pickets and mobilizations at the US embassy against the murderer Richardson.
The elections will not bring bread, better salaries or jobs. The Argentine working class must put itself on the warpath against the war that Wall Street and its lackeys have declared on us in Argentina and throughout the continent, unifying the forces of the unemployed movement, the self-convened workers and the combative trade unionism in a great Asamblea Nacional Piquetera (Picketers Natonal Assembly) like those of 2001, shouting “Everybody out, no one of them should be left! ” .
The first task of that Assembly will be to adhere to the call of the Comité de Lucha de las Regiones del Perú (Committee for the Struggle of the Regions of Peru) to hold a great continental congress of the worker and peasant organizations of Latin America in Lima, to prepare a unified anti-imperialist struggle from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. That is the only path to victory.
Like yesterday in Santiago, Lima, Quito, La Paz, Cali... Open the road to revolution!
Out with the IMF and Wall Street. Out with the Pentagon. NATO out of Malvinas.
rgentina will be socialist or a colony of Wall Street.
For the United Socialist States of Latin America!
Editorial Board of the paper "Democracia Obrera"
of Argentina |