January 7th, 2015

On the lifting of the embargo

The old Stalinist gang of the Cuban CP, associated since the 90’s to the imperialist transnational companies from Europe, Canada and also to the Vatican has just finished its work of delivering Cuba to imperialism

The new “red bourgeois” of the CP, supported by the Vatican and the Cuban Catholic Church, are opening the gates to US imperialism so that it gets the highest slice of the buisinesses of the capitalist restoration


The Castro brothers, alongside the Bolivarian bourgeoisie, sold out the Latin American revolutions, as they did before in the ’70s to the Southern Cone revolutions and in the ‘80s with El Salvador and Nicaragua, acting as direct agents of the counterrevolutionary Moscow stalinist clique…
Today they hand out the Colombian resistance to Santos and the regime of the US military bases
They subdued to Obama the fight of the US working class, and in particular the fighting color workers and Latino immigrants.

Together with the lackey bourgeoisies of Latin America, they administered the CELAC and UNASUR, and stabilized the backyard to USA and the transnational companies.
They supported the bloodbath of Al-Assad against the masses on behalf of imperialism in Syria; they also supported all the executioners of the rebelled peoples of Maghreb and Middle East.
They transformed Cuba into a capitalist island, liquidating all the conquests of the revolution and they ended up associated to the imperialist transnational companies in the exploitation of nickel and in hotels with off shore accounts in the Bahamas islands. This way, they create the conditions for Cuba to start becoming a new Haiti or Puerto Rico, with workers earning 18 dollars wages, with the land under control of Cargill; they decreed heritage rights and a free zone as Puerto Mariel for all the imperialist transnational companies...


As the CP “red business-men” in China in the ‘80s and ‘90s, lackeys of imperialism and slave-owners of millions of workers of Asia-Pacific...

As Ceausescu, Hönneker, Yeltsin, Gorbachov and the old Stalinist gang of the USSR did in 1989; Stalinism gave in the conquest of the workers states to the word capitalist system...

Castro brothers and the new Cuban bourgeoisie place themselves under the command and discipline of Cargill, Coca Cola, Wall Street and Obama, to complete de surrender of socialist Cuba to US imperialis

The Obama-Castro agreement is legalized

For decades, because of the heroic resistance of the Latin American and Cuban masses, the Miami “gusanos” couldn’t invade and defeat defiant and revolutionary Cuba

Today the Castro brothers and the commanders of the Stalinist army-party, as Trojan Horses, have delivered Cuba to imperialism, first to the European and Canadian ones, and now to US


Thus, by imposing the fence to the Cuban masses with the CP of Castro brothers betraying the revolution in the Americas...

With the lifting of US blockade only Obama, the MNCs, the capitalists and the new bourgeoisie of the island win

Obama and Raul Castro

Fidel Castro and genocide Al-Assad

The left of the World Social Forum is lying:

“La Habana’s Friends Club” is simply concealing the total surrender of the Cuban socialist revolution to imperialism

They want to hide that the lifting of the US blockade to Cuba is possible because it has already achieved its purpose: the Stalinist bureaucracy has strangled the revolution in the Americas and each day more and more disorganizes and defeats the anti-imperialist fight of the Cuban masses and from the entire American continent...

While imperialism was blocking the Cuban people, sinking it in misery, Castroism blocked the worker state separating it from the revolutionary fight of the exploited masses of the world

While the Cuban masses were resisting heroically the blockade, the bureaucrats of the Cuban CP made themselves millionaire associating in the ’90s to the European financial capital to become in direct agents of the capitalist restoration.
With this new betrayal of the Castroite filth, it stands clear the reactionary and counterrevolutionary character of the Stalinist pseudo-theory of “socialism in only one country”

Now, under the command of Obama, restorative regime of Fidel and the Catholic Church has reached its goal, and the historical program of Castroism has been consummated. As the whole Stalinist bureaucracy, it has sold out the gains of the socialist revolution to the world capitalist system. The Cuban CP affirms: “There can’t be new Cubas in Latin America, not even Cuba can still be Cuba”. This is a stab in the back to the struggle of all the exploited of the world.
Let’s be clear. No more halfway statements! The new bourgeois of the Cuban army party, with their millionaire officers, affirm that Cuba can only belong to the capitalists and the Americans, as it is happening now.

Cuban Stalinism, which until yesterday was a privileged bureaucracy, today it has turned into a new bourgeoisie; it has raised the apothegm that has dirtied and denigrated the antiimperialist and socialist conscience of the Cuban masses “Not everything in socialism is good, and not everything in capitalism is bad”. It proved to be that, for the Castro brothers and the bourgeois apparatchiks of Stalinism that “the good part of capitalism” are the businesses with Cargill, Coca Cola, the free zones for the MNCs, 500,000 workers fired... and what “was bad in socialism” was the expropriation and statization of the land, the luxury hotels and the capitalist businesses the great Cuban revolution made against the tyrant Batista in 1959 imposed...

The revolutionary Cuban working class and popular masses, which defended with their lives their revolution for 56 years, didn’t do it for the “red businessmen” of Castroism to surrender the island to the imperialist trasnational companies
Five generations of the best of the fighting anti-imperialist youth, and the Latin American working class have fought, leaving thousands of martyrs not for the Castro brothers to make Cuba a luxury whorehouse worse than in Batista’s days

Imperialism blocked workers and peasants’ Cuba, and the Castro brothers blocked the socialist revolution all across the Americas. ¡This is how they ended imposing the victory of the US imperialist blockade!

Fidel Castro with the genocide Pinochet

Ortega, Chavez, Raúl Castro and Evo Morales.


Against the fallacy that Cuba can’t exist even in Cuba,
we revolutionary socialists of the IV International state


Down the agreement of Obama, Castro, the Cuban Catholic Church and the Vatican,
which is preparing new attacks on the working class and the re-colonization of Cuba!

Out with the clique of the Castro brothers and the new rich of the CCP, partners of the European and US imperialist powers!

Open the way to the Cuban working class! Open the way to socialist revolution!

For a revolutionary provisional government of the worker, peasant and rank and file soldier’s councils
based in the self-organization and the direct democracy of the masses

For the immediate recognizing and legalizing of all the parties
that defend the conquests of the socialist revolution in Cuba

Out with the bourgeois officers and managers of the Cuban CP,
on behalf of imperialism, from the workers organizations!

For a new and victorious socialist revolution!
For the restoration of the dictatorship of the proletariat under revolutionary ways to retrieve all the conquests of education, health, land and work for everyone, expropriating the imperialists and the capitalists, and that ends with the parasites of the CCP, who neither produce nor work and have become new partners of the imperialist occupation of the island

As the workers of Sidor in Venezuela say: “We don’t believe in Socialists with Hummer or in Communists with Rolex.
We believe in the revolution of the workers”

Let all the parasites officials of the Cuban Stalinism that administrates the full transition to Capitalism
in the island go to work earning the wage of a worker

We need to end up with the Joint Ventures! Out with the administration directories of the transnational companies
and the “red businessmen” of the CCP from all the companies and the land!

Expropriation of all the capitalist companies and properties! For the workers control and the administration of all the companies, banks and the land by the workers council, with the methods of the direct democracy and workers democracy!

For a worker and revolutionary government that puts Cuba as a trench of the socialist revolution in the Americas and worldwide

The last word has not been said!

The historical conquests and the combat for the socialist revolution of the exploited in Latin America is defined today in the uprising of the Mexican workers and peasants and, to a decisive extent, in the fight that the Latino and black workers are carrying forward inside the US imperialist beast itself

It is a task of the entire world working class to prevent the conquests of the Cuban revolution from being buried;
For this is what the Obama-Castro agreement is about: defeating from the back the revolutionary masses that fight worldwide against the imperialist parasites, their regimes and governments


So that Latin America -looted by the IMF, US imperialism and the MNCs to which the Castroite bourgeoisie is today giving in Cuba- is able to get out of misery, looting and starvation of its exploited classes, today more than ever:


To stop the capitalist barbarism and the new wars and fascism that Wall Street in its bankruptcy is driving:

Out with the IMF and the trasnational companies!

Let’s break with the lackey bourgeoisies, minor partners of the imperialist powers in Latin America!

Down with the facade of the Bolivarian revolution, which with Kirchner, Morales, Correa and Chavezism are nothing but serial payers of the fraudulent foreign debts to the IMF and protectors of the transnational companies that plunder Latin America!

Let’s break the subordination of the workers organizations to the local bourgeoisies of the Americas and the US imperialist butchers that the trade union bureaucracies and the Obama’s left impose on the former at each step!

For the working class in the Americas to live, imperialism must die!

The whole American continent has to become new socialist Cubas!

For the Socialist United States of North America! For the Socialist United States of Central-Caribbean and South America!

Either Socialist revolution or a caricature of revolution!

In Cuba and the entire Latin America, we must set up revolutionary parties under the program and theory of the Fourth International of 1938

For the Bolsheviks-Leninists there is no most important task than to establish the connection and then the unification among the different parts of the proletariat organization of the continent, creating an organism so well constructed that any revolutionary vibration in La Patagonia echoes immediately, like transmitted by a perfect nervous system, in the revolutionary proletarian organizations of United States. Meanwhile such a thing is not done, the task of the Bolsheviks-Leninists in the American continent haven’t been carried out”.
(30/11/1937, published in Clave nº4, First Epoch, January 1939, Leon Trotsky)